The fourth root of (12) or any other number in Python 3

def f(num):
    return num**0.25


import math
def f(num):
    return math.sqrt(math.sqrt(num))
Mr Sam
Author by

Mr Sam

Programmer for ; Python,Ruby,Some java and WebApp Developer some time I build Android app

Updated on September 07, 2020


  • Mr Sam
    Mr Sam over 3 years

    I'm trying to make a simple code for power 12 to 4(12 ** 4) . I have the output num (20736) but when I want to figure returns (20736) to its original value (12). I don't know how to do that in Python .. in Real mathematics I do that by the math phrase {12؇}

    The question is how to make {12؇} in Python ?? I'm using sqrt() but sqrt only for power 2

      #!/usr/bin/env python3.3
    import math 
    def pwo():
       f=12 ** 4 #f =20736 #
       c=        # should  c = 12 #
       return f,c
    print pwo()