The .Net framework 4.7 is not supported on this operation system


Net 4.7 is supported by a minimum of build 1607 of Windows 10:

Windows 10 build 1511 went out of support more than a year ago and is not supported by Microsoft or any of their products:

The solution is that you need to update Windows 10 and keep it up to date.


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I am a web developer

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • hmahdavi
    hmahdavi over 1 year

    I try to install .Net framework 4.7 but get me error that :

    The .Net framework 4.7 is not supported on this operation system

    enter image description hereenter image description here

    What is problem? How can i fix this?

    • kreemoweet
      kreemoweet over 5 years
      You need to update Windows 10, as your version is very much out-of-date.
    • Ravindra Bawane
      Ravindra Bawane over 5 years
      Build 1511 was out of support more than a year ago now and you should upgrade.
  • hmahdavi
    hmahdavi over 5 years
    Can I do this with enable windows update? or I should reinstall up to date OS?
  • Moab
    Moab over 5 years
    I would clean install the latest version.
  • Ravindra Bawane
    Ravindra Bawane over 5 years
    Unless you have a VERY compelling reason to do so, you should leave Windows Update enabled and alone so that it can keep your computer up to date. Yes, you can update from 1511 to 1809 using Windows Update.