The Powershell Command "Get-DistributionGroup" doesn't work


Echoing mjolinor's comment, but feel free to append with extra info.

Installing the AD tools won't help. Get-DistributionGroup is an Exchange cmdlet.

You'll need to either:

  • install the Exchange Management Tools
  • or connect to a management session on an Exchange server
Author by


Updated on June 28, 2022


  • Tensigh
    Tensigh almost 2 years

    The Get-DistributionGroup command is supposed to list distribution groups in a domain but I can't get it to run on my server.

    After some Googling I found that Import-Module ActiveDirectory needs to be run first, but what I get when I run that is:

    Import-Module : The specified module 'ActiveDirectory' was not loaded because no valid module file was found in any module directory.

    My questions are

    1. How do I install this module into my PowerShell module directory? I thought it was supposed to do this automatically
    2. Once I have it installed, do I just run Import-Module ActiveDirectory and then I can run Get-DistributionGroup to list my dist groups?
  • Ielton
    Ielton about 2 years
    Ok, but how to do that?