Trigger Jenkins build when pull request is merged in Github


Solution 1

No need for webhooks anymore, since you now how GitHub Actions (assuming you are using, although the Actions are coming with GHE, GitHub Enterprise, in Beta, starting Sept. 2020).

As explained on this thread, you can trigger, on GitHub side, a job when a pull request is merged on master:

      - master
    types: [closed]

  <job id>:
    if: github.event.pull_request.merged == true
    steps: // the rest of the code

And that job can then use a GitHub Action like Trigger Jenkins Job for GitHub Actions, which will call your Jenkins and trigger one or several Jenkins jobs.


    name: Build
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: trigger single Job
      uses: appleboy/jenkins-action@master
        url: ""
        user: "example"
        token: ${{ secrets.TOKEN }}
        job: "foobar"

After discussion with the OP and following the GitHub Actions tutorial, I confirm that:

  • Jenkins does not have to be started with Docker, it only has to be addressable from GitHub through its public URL;
  • The "trigger remote build" needs to be activated on Jenkins;
  • a token needs to be generated for the Jenkins user with the right to launch the Jenkins job;
  • A file triggerJenkinsBuild.yml (or any other name you want) must be created in the folder .github/workflows in your GitHub repository, with the two YAML sections mentioned above;
  • The "url:" field is just the base URL of the Jenkins instance, no extra path.

Solution 2

Tried looking everywhere, then figured out this solution myself

I'm assuming you've already configured webhook for jenkins, hence skipping that. The idea is to capture merge status and only trigger build if its true.

I'm using generic webhook trigger on jenkins and optional filters to achieve this.

This variable returns true if the build was merged.enter image description here

And the triggering the build only if this variable is true enter image description here


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Updated on October 14, 2022


  • NealR
    NealR over 1 year

    This should be an easy, out-of-the-box configuration in Jenkins but I haven't found anything straightforward on the internet. All I want to do is a trigger a build ONLY when a pull request i merged in our Github repo.

    To start with, Github aggregates almost all activity around the pull request into one webhook (versus bitbucket which allows you to differentiate between actions).

    enter image description here

    On the Jenkins side I've seen posts point towards the Generic Webhook Plugin which allows you to ingest the json of the webhook and create variables, however from here it looks like those need to be used in a script in order to trigger/not trigger a build.

    Github Pull Request Build is another popular plugin, but again there is nothing explicit that states "only trigger this build when a PR is merged" or even seems to give the option of looking for a specific value in the webhook json.

    Unless there are other plugins out there I haven't found the best option (i.e. least configuration to just get the build started) is to configure the GitHub hook trigger for GITSCM polling in Jenkins and on the Github side send the webhook only on push events... however this isn't the exact behavior we're looking for.

    enter image description here

    Right now this is all being done via the UI, and it's been awhile since I've used Jenkins so maybe the declarative pipeline infrastructure has passed the UI by, but it seems like this should be much more intuitive. Can someone explain the easiest implementation they've found, using Jenkins and Github, to trigger a build ONLY when a pull request is merged to a specific branch?

  • NealR
    NealR over 3 years
    I have the generic-webhook-trigger configured to look for those values in the payload, but how am I supposed to use them?
  • NealR
    NealR over 3 years
    On the Jenkins side does the "trigger remote build" need to be enabled?
  • NealR
    NealR over 3 years
    Also this only seems to work with the Docker installation of Jenkins, is that correct?
  • VonC
    VonC over 3 years
    @NealR Yes, you would need to enable "trigger remote build". This GitHub action uses an URL to contact your Jenkins, so Docker or not, as long as your Jenkins is reachable from GitHub, it will be called by GitHub on Pull Request on master.
  • NealR
    NealR over 3 years
    sorry - tutorials for this are incredibly... sparse. Will this work without the Docker install? If so could you provide instructions on how to configure this to work on the Jenkins side?
  • VonC
    VonC over 3 years
    @NealR There is no docker involved, (the uses a docker Jenkins as an example of a local Jekins, to show the screenshot where you need to generate a token, which will be used by the GitHub Action in its Jenkins "url:" parameter
  • VonC
    VonC over 3 years
    @NealR Following a tutorial like, you need to create a file triggerJenkinsBuild.yml (or any other name you want) in the folder .github/workflows in your GitHub repository: that file will combine the two sections I mention in my answer, in order to trigger Jenkins builds on pull requests on master.
  • NealR
    NealR over 3 years
  • VonC
    VonC over 3 years
    @NealR I have edited the answer with the main conclusions from our discussion. Don't hesitate to add (in that discussion) the kind of typos other users of that GitHub Action need to pay attention to.
  • Kyle Stewart
    Kyle Stewart almost 3 years
    Thank you, this was helpful, Seems to be working for me now
  • Omisha gupta
    Omisha gupta almost 3 years
    Glad I was of help!