Trigger webhook when Google Sheet edited


There's Drive API's Push Notifications which lets you watch for changes to resources. You can also use Apps Scripts' onEdit trigger which acts more like a real-time checker.

function onEdit(e){
  // Set a comment on the edited cell to indicate when it was changed.
  var range = e.range;
  range.setNote('Last modified: ' + new Date());

This forum might also offer additional insight.

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Loving scuba diving and windsurfing. It's awesome. Interesting in Refactoring, Enterprise Architeture and Requirements Engineering. Having experice on managing development team and developing at Frontend, Backend, DevOps, IoT firmware. Trying to keep learning.

Updated on August 12, 2022


  • sungyong
    sungyong almost 2 years

    I made a google sheet for sharing todo list with co-workers.

    My hope is when that sheet is modified, send message to slack channel.

    Even if tried to find api related with this, I failed to suitable one.

    Is there a appropriate API or webhook?