Trying to create new instance of class using template, unexpected error


First, you need to fully specify the type on the RHS of the assignment, and, since you are instantiating a dynamically allocated node with new, the LHS should be a pointer:

BSTNode<int>* data = new BSTNode<int> (key, 10);
            ^                     ^

If you don't need a node pointer, then use

BSTNode<int> data(key, 10);

Second, your BSTNode<T> class doesn't have a constructor taking an int and a Type, so you need to provide that too.

template <typename Type>
class BSTNode {
  BSTNode(int k, const Type& val) : key(k), data(val), left(0), right(0) { .... }
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Student and recent employee. Massive n00b.

Updated on May 07, 2020


  • Kalec
    Kalec almost 4 years

    Trying to make a B inary S earch T ree (BST for short) using a template.

    When I try to create a new instance of my BST I get an unexpected error. I hope the solution does not involve pointers since I would like to keep them at a minimum.

    For now I have:

    template <typename Type>
    class BST {                 // The binary search tree containing nodes
        BSTNode<Type> *root;    // Has reference to root node
        BST ();
        bool add (int, Type);

    And the Node type:

    EDIT: When I cut out code to un-encumber text, I forgot the constructor, now it's been added

    template <typename Type>
    class BSTNode {    // Binary Search Tree nodes
        int key;       // we search by key, no matter what type of data we have
        Type data;
        BSTNode *left;
        BSTNode *right;
        BSTNode (int, Type&); 
        bool add (int, Type);

    EDIT2: Here is the actual constructor

    template <typename Type>
    BSTNode<Type>::BSTNode (int initKey, Type &initData) {
         this->key = initKey;
         this->data = initData;
         this->left = NULL;
         this->right = NULL;

    I want to try and test if anything works / doesn't work

    BSTNode<int> data = new BSTNode (key, 10);

    And I get: Expected type specifier before BSTNode. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, but one thing I do hope is I don't have to use data as a pointer.

    BSTNode<int> data = new BSTNode<int> (key, 10);

    Also does not work, seems it believes < int > is < & int> and it doesn't match