TypeScript custom declaration files for untyped npm modules


Solution 1

The declaration declare module 'shiitake'; should be in a global scope. i.e. a top-level declaration in a non-module (where a module is a file with at least one top-level import or export).

A declaration of the form declare module '...' { } in a module is an augmentation. For more details see Typescript Module Augmentation.

So you want this file to look like this:

declare module 'shiitake' {

    import * as React from 'react';

    export interface ShiitakeProps {
        lines: number;

    export default class Shiitake extends React.Component<ShiitakeProps, any> { 

Solution 2

In my experience, a definition file will fail in this way if it has any exports or imports declared outside the module definition. If you use an IDE with auto-import, be warned!

Solution 3

I had the same problem today.

Turns out I paste exported interfaces outside of the module declaration. The typings file I used as a template had private interfaces at the end of the file.

So my exported interfaces were declared outside of the module declaration. This is drives typescript compiler nuts.

Once I moved the interfaces into the module boundaries everything got fixed.

Author by


Senior Software Engineer and Tech Lead, with a growth mindset belief and 10+ years of practical software engineering experience including technical leadership and distributed systems. I have a passion to create impactful software products, and I care about usability, reliability, observability and scalability of the software systems that I work on, as much as caring about day-to-day effectiveness, productivity and happiness of the team that I work with. I occasionally speak at international conferences (tugberkugurlu.com/speaking), and write technical posts on my blog (tugberkugurlu.com). I currently work at Facebook as a Software Engineer. I used to work at Deliveroo as a Staff Software Engineer in the Consumer division, working on distributed backend systems which have high throughput, low latency and high availability needs. Before that, I used to work at Redgate as a Technical Lead for 4 years, where I led and line-managed a team of 5 Software Engineers. I was responsible for all aspects of the products delivered by the team from technical architecture to product direction. I was also a Microsoft MVP for 7 years between 2012-2019 on Microsoft development technologies.

Updated on June 06, 2022


  • tugberk
    tugberk almost 2 years

    I am consuming a React component called shiitake from npm into my project where I use TypeScript. That library does not have TypeScript declarations so I thought I would write one. The declaration file looks like below (it may not be complete but don't worry about it too much):

    import * as React from 'react';
    declare module 'shiitake' {
        export interface ShiitakeProps {
            lines: number;
        export default class Shiitake extends React.Component<ShiitakeProps, any> { 

    I have put this inside ./typings/shiitake.d.ts file and on VS Code, I am seeing the below error:

    [ts] Invalid module name in augmentation. Module 'shiitake' resolves to an untyped module at 'd:/dev/foo/foobar.foo.Client.Web/node_modules/shiitake/dist/index.js', which cannot be augmented.

    On the consumption side, I am still getting the same error even if with the above declaration (since I have noImplicitAny compiler switch turned on):

    /// <reference path="../../../../typings/shiitake.d.ts" />
    import * as React from 'react';
    import Shiitake from 'shiitake';

    [ts] Could not find a declaration file for module 'shiitake'. 'd:/dev/foo/foobar.foo.Client.Web/node_modules/shiitake/dist/index.js' implicitly has an 'any' type.

    The standard why of acquiring declaration files for this type of modules is through @types/ way and it works well. However, I cannot get the custom typings work. Any thoughts?