Typescript React componentDidMount not getting called


Don't call your component's render() method yourself. Also, don't instantiate it yourself. Also, pass props in to your component, rather than setting state directly:

Change this:

var main = new MyAppApp.Components.HomePageView("1", result);
main.state = result;
var mainView = main.render();
ReactDOM.render(mainView, document.getElementById(app.templateContainer));

To this:

    <MyAppApp.Components.HomePageView result={result} />,

If JSX is not supported, then you can do:

    React.createElement(MyAppApp.Components.HomePageView, { result: result}),

Then access results via this.props.result rather than this.state:

public render() {
    return (
            {this.props.result.map((item, index) =>
                <div className="MyAppBoxContainer" key={index}>
                    <a href={item.Href}>{item.Title}</a>

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Teoman shipahi
Author by

Teoman shipahi

SOreadytohelp Catching the exceptions.

Updated on September 16, 2022


  • Teoman shipahi
    Teoman shipahi over 1 year

    I am trying to run some sample with typescript/react, but for some reason componentDidMount function is not getting fired, and I would like to move my AJAX logic in there.

    Here is my code below.

    var app = new MyAppApplication();
    namespace MyAppApp.Components {
        // props?: P, context?: any
        export class HomePageView extends React.Component<any, any> {
            constructor(props, context) {
                super(props, context);
                this.state = null;
                // calling here
            public componentDidMount() {
            // not calling here
            public render() {
                var view = this.state.map((item, index) =>
                    <div className="MyAppBoxContainer" key={index}>
                        <a href={item.Href}>{item.Title}</a>
                return (<div>{view}</div>);
    app.getHomeContentTitles().then(result => {
        //app.logger.info(this, result);
        var main = new MyAppApp.Components.HomePageView("1", result);
        main.state = result;
        var mainView = main.render();
        ReactDOM.render(mainView, document.getElementById(app.templateContainer));
    }).catch(err => {
        app.logger.error(this, err);

    Am I missing something?

  • Teoman shipahi
    Teoman shipahi over 8 years
    JSX is supported with tsx files and your suggestions works great, thanks!