UIControlEventEditingChanged doesn't get fired when using setText of UITextfield


Solution 1

I had to rate this question up because this is super important.

It appears this has changed in iOS6. Maybe even iOS5. This event USED to be the preferred method for observing text changes in a UITextField. I've been using it since iOS3. After recompiling my app on iOS6 to perform some updates, it mysteriously stopped working. Parts of my app use:

[UITextField insertText];

and others use

[UITextField setText];


UITextField.text = @"xxx";

For whatever reason it's important to note that setText events no longer fire the Editing Changed event. If you use an insertText method, it still works.

So if you're in a bind and you just need a quick fix, you can change out your code from:



[textField setText:@"xxx"];


textField.text = @"";
[textField insertText:@"new text"];

This also works:

[((UITextField*)view) sendActionsForControlEvents:UIControlEventEditingChanged];

I hope this helps someone, because I wasted an entire day trying to figure out why this code suddenly stopped working when I moved up to iOS6.

You can still use NSNotificationCenter as well. See the UITextField reference for more info:


Solution 2

Just call sendActionsForControlEvents: after you set the text:

self.textField.text = xxx;
[self.textField sendActionsForControlEvents:UIControlEventEditingChanged];

Tested on iOS 9.

Solution 3

In Swift 2.2+, based on @Shaolo's answer

  1. Connect IBAction, pay attention to change default event type to EditingChanged

enter image description here

  1. After you change textField's text from code, add also sendActionsLine

    taskTextField.text = nil

Solution 4

Update: Swift 4.2

textField.text = "some Text"
textField.sendActions(for: UIControl.Event.editingChanged)

Solution 5

The documentation says:

A touch making an editing change in a UITextField objet. 
Available in iOS 2.0 and later. 
Declared in UIControl.h.

So touch only?

Sebastian Boldt
Author by

Sebastian Boldt

I am a web and mobile software architect and developer specializing in iOS. Passionate about creating awesome user experiences, designing beautiful user interfaces, and writing maintainable, structured, and best-practice orientated code. Continuously trying to improve skills and learn new technologies.

Updated on June 06, 2022


  • Sebastian Boldt
    Sebastian Boldt about 2 years

    I am currently trying to track the states of a textfield.

    I am using a custom datePicker which sets the text via -setText

    [self.textField setText:[self.dateFormatter stringFromDate:self.date]];

    Inside my textFieldDelegate I wrote the following code:

    -(void)viewDidLoad {
      [super viewDidLoad];
      self.travelToOnTextField.delegate = self;
      [self.travelToOnTextField addTarget:self action:@selector(travelToOnTextFieldDidChange:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventEditingChanged];
       NSLog(@"Event Handler called");

    If I change the text through my custom Datepicker the Method travelToOnDateTextFieldDidChange doesn't get called. But if I change the text using my Computer Keyboard it gets called for some reason.

    Is this intentional?

  • Sebastian Boldt
    Sebastian Boldt about 11 years
    Thanks for your solution, i also ended up using the sendActionsForControlEvents Method.
  • Gon
    Gon over 8 years
    insertText doesn't work. But [textField sendActionsForControlEvents:UIControlEventEditingChanged] works.
  • Raginmari
    Raginmari about 8 years
    insertText(_:) should work only if the text field is first responder because the documentation of UIKeyInput says it inserts text at the cursor position.