uint64 UTC time


Solution 1

uint64 u = 20090520145024798;
unsigned long w = u % 1000000000;
unsigned millisec = w % 1000;
w /= 1000;
unsigned sec = w % 100;
w /= 100;
unsigned min = w % 100;
unsigned hour = w / 100;
unsigned long v = w / 1000000000;
unsigned day = v % 100;
v /= 100;
unsigned month = v % 100;
unsigned year = v / 100;

The reason why this solution switches from uint64 u to unsigned long w (and v) in the middle is that the YYYYMMDD and HHMMSSIII fit to 32 bits, and 32-bit division is faster than 64-bit division on some systems.

Solution 2

To build upon pts and onebyone's suggestions, here's a benchmark of their approaches using 32-bit and 64-operations, on a core 2 processor:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>

typedef unsigned long long uint64;

struct outs {
    unsigned millisec, sec, min, hour, day, month, year;

void tbreakdown2(uint64 u, struct outs *outp) {
    outp->millisec = u % 1000;
    u /= 1000;
    outp->sec = u % 100;
    u /= 100;
    outp->min = u % 100;
    u /= 100;
    outp->hour = u % 100;
    unsigned long v = u / 100;
    outp->day = v % 100;
    v /= 100;
    outp->month = v % 100;
    outp->year = v / 100;

void tbreakdown(uint64 u, struct outs *outp) {
    unsigned int  daypart, timepart; //4000000000
                                     //  YYYYMMDD

    daypart = u / 1000000000ULL;
    timepart = u % 1000000000ULL;

    outp->millisec = timepart % 1000;
    timepart /= 1000;
    outp->sec = timepart % 100;
    timepart /= 100;
    outp->min = timepart % 100;
    timepart /= 100;
    outp->hour = timepart;

    outp->day = daypart % 100;
    daypart /= 100;
    outp->month = daypart % 100;
    daypart /= 100;
    outp->year = daypart;

uint64 inval = 20090520145024798ULL;

void printstruct(uint64 u, struct outs *outp) {
    printf("%018llu\n", u);
    printf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%04d\n",
            outp->year, outp->month, outp->day,
            outp->hour, outp->min, outp->sec,

void print_elapsed(struct timeval *tv_begin, struct timeval *tv_end) {
    unsigned long long mcs_begin, mcs_end, mcs_delta;

    mcs_begin = (unsigned long long)tv_begin->tv_sec * 1000000ULL;
    mcs_begin += tv_begin->tv_usec;
    mcs_end = (unsigned long long)tv_end->tv_sec * 1000000ULL;
    mcs_end += tv_end->tv_usec;

    mcs_delta = mcs_end - mcs_begin;

    printf("Elapsed time: %llu.%llu\n", mcs_delta / 1000000ULL, mcs_delta % 1000000ULL);

int main() {
    struct outs out;
    struct outs *outp = &out;
    struct rusage rusage_s;
    struct rusage begin, end;

    printf("Testing impl 1:\n");
    tbreakdown(inval, outp);
    printstruct(inval, outp);

    getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &begin);
    for (int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) {
        tbreakdown(inval, outp);
    getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &end);
    print_elapsed(&begin.ru_utime, &end.ru_utime);

    printf("Testing impl 2:\n");
    tbreakdown2(inval, outp);
    printstruct(inval, outp);

    getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &begin);
    for (int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) {
        tbreakdown2(inval, outp);
    getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &end);
    print_elapsed(&begin.ru_utime, &end.ru_utime);

    return 0;

And the output:

Testing impl 1:
2009-05-20 14:50:24.0798
Elapsed time: 6.840427
Testing impl 2:
2009-05-20 14:50:24.0798
Elapsed time: 19.921245

Testing impl 1:
2009-05-20 14:50:24.0798
Elapsed time: 3.152197
Testing impl 2:
2009-05-20 14:50:24.0798
Elapsed time: 4.200262

As you can see, avoiding excess 64-bit manipulations helps even in native 64-bit mode - but makes a huge difference in 32-bit.

Benchmark was performed under a core2duo T7500 processor at 2.2GHz, and compiled using gcc 4.3.3 on -O3. Those memory barriers you see are to ensure the compiler doesn't try to optimize away the actual operation, while allowing it to inline it if it chooses.

Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • anio
    anio almost 2 years

    I have a UTC date time without the formatting stored in a uint64, ie: 20090520145024798 I need to get the hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds out of this time. I can do this very easily by converting it to a string and using substring. However, this code needs to be very fast so I would like to avoid string manipulations. Is there faster way, perhaps using bit manipulation to do this? Oh by the way this needs to be done in C++ on Linux.

  • Steve Jessop
    Steve Jessop almost 15 years
    I've you're worried about 64bit division, you could avoid all but one (pair) of them. Split at 1E9 to start with, and put the 8-digit date in one int32, and the 9-digit time in the other.
  • carlsborg
    carlsborg over 11 years
    what is the first invocation of __sync_synchronize() giving you (the one on line 6 of main)? i understand that you might be trying to protect the write to outp from sinking, but wouldn't the printf serve the same effect (calling a function that calls i/o)? thanks.
  • bdonlan
    bdonlan over 11 years
    @tholomew, since the compiler knows that outp hasn't escaped the function yet, it need not treat printf as a memory barrier for outp (as nothing printf does could possibly depend on or effect the value of outp).
  • carlsborg
    carlsborg over 11 years
    the c++ abstract state machine shows observable behavior at calls to library I/O functions: "The observable behavior of the [C++] abstract machine is its sequence of reads and writes to volatile data and calls to library I/O functions. Accessing an object designated by a volatile lvalue, modifying an object, calling a library I/O function, or calling a function that does any of those operations are all side effects, which are changes in the state of the execution environment." and side effects are guaranteed to have taken place /observable at sequence points.
  • bdonlan
    bdonlan over 11 years
    @tholomew, sure, but sequence points have nothing to do with memory barriers. Here the problem is more the 'as-if rule' - if a program behaves as if it were implemented by the C++ abstract machine, it's a valid translation. Moving outp = &out down and into the function invocations behaves 'as-if' it were initialized in program order, so it's not illegal. Using compiler intrinsics forces GCC to not do anything clever here.