Unable to build flutter app with firebase auth in Xcode


Solution 1

Actually if you are develop your iOS app with Flutter you cant build in Xcode. You have to build with Flutter.

flutter clean
flutter build ios


Xcode -> Product -> Destination -> Any iOS Device

Xcode-> Product -> Scheme -> choose scheme -> Runner

Xcode-> Product -> Archive


flutter clean
flutter build ipa


Xcode-> Product -> Archive

Solution 2

Running in Xcode

First make sure to run pod install in the ios directory: cd ios; pod install

Then in Xcode, clean (Command + Shift + K) & rebuild (Command + B).

Running using flutter cli

Flutter CLI will make sure to run pod install for you. So it should work just by runnning flutter run or flutter build

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I'm using this site for get help and help. Happy coding :-)

Updated on December 31, 2022


  • dilusha_dasanayaka
    dilusha_dasanayaka over 1 year

    I'm building a flutter mobile application with firebase_auth to authenticate. It's run well on android. But when i'm try to build it on ios using xcode it gives me series of erros.

    I have added the GoogleService-info.plist file inside Runner folder using xcode and added the Firebase.configure() code potion in AppDeligate.swift file. But still not working for me.

    enter image description here

  • Ben Butterworth
    Ben Butterworth over 2 years
    if you are develop your iOS app with Flutter you cant build in Xcode. Not true, you can build with Xcode, I do it all the time so I can debug the iOS code.
  • dilusha_dasanayaka
    dilusha_dasanayaka over 2 years
    I have run flutter run but it lead me to an error. Failed to build iOS app Error output from Xcode build: ↳ objc[3751]: Class AMSupportURLConnectionDelegate is implemented in both /usr/lib/libauthinstall.dylib (0x1eecf3ad8) do you have any idea?
  • Ben Butterworth
    Ben Butterworth over 2 years
    Did you try cleaning/ rebuilding in Xcode?