Unable to connect to Google Talk using Pidgin (SASL error)


Solution 1

For some reason, /etc/hosts contained wrong hostname for After modifying it, it started working. Hope helps someone as well :)

Solution 2

Check hostname of your system in /etc/hostname. Then modify it in /etc/hosts file. This will solve your problem :-)

Solution 3

I had the same problem in Ubuntu 12.04. When I saw the previous comment, I checked /etc/hosts and it was blank. So, I added the following: localhost ubuntu  

This is how it looks like now:

root@ubuntu:/etc/apt/apt.conf.d# cat /etc/hosts localhost ubuntu

And then

root@ubuntu:/etc/apt/apt.conf.d# /etc/init.d/networking restart  
 * Running /etc/init.d/networking restart is deprecated because it may not enable again some interfaces  
 * Reconfiguring network interfaces...   

Quit Pidgin and open it again. Voila it works like charm now. Hopefully it will help others too.


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David Kuridža
Author by

David Kuridža

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • David Kuridža
    David Kuridža almost 2 years

    After a fresh install of Ubuntu 11.10, Pidgin stopped connecting to any Jabber service (Google Talk and a local IM). The weird thing is, the same configuration works on a laptop with Ubuntu 11.10, but not on a workstation. The .purple directory has been copied from laptop to workstation, and it still doesn't work. When running piding -d > pidgin.log, following is observed:

    (16:06:25) account: Connecting to account [email protected]/.
    (16:06:25) connection: Connecting. gc = 0x7f38e3828ea0
    (16:06:25) dnssrv: querying SRV record for gmail.com: _xmpp-client._tcp.gmail.com
    (16:06:25) dnssrv: found 5 SRV entries
    (16:06:25) dnsquery: Performing DNS lookup for xmpp.l.google.com
    (16:06:25) dns: Wait for DNS child 11596 failed: No child processes
    (16:06:25) dns: Created new DNS child 11867, there are now 1 children.
    (16:06:25) dns: Successfully sent DNS request to child 11867
    (16:06:25) dns: Got response for 'xmpp.l.google.com'
    (16:06:25) dnsquery: IP resolved for xmpp.l.google.com
    (16:06:25) proxy: Attempting connection to
    (16:06:25) proxy: Connecting to xmpp.l.google.com:5222 with no proxy
    (16:06:25) proxy: Connection in progress
    (16:06:25) proxy: Connecting to xmpp.l.google.com:5222.
    (16:06:25) proxy: Connected to xmpp.l.google.com:5222.
    (16:06:25) jabber: Sending ([email protected]): <?xml version='1.0' ?>
    (16:06:25) jabber: Sending ([email protected]): <stream:stream to='gmail.com' xmlns='jabber:client' xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' version='1.0'>
    (16:06:25) jabber: Recv (379): <stream:stream from="gmail.com" id="49198E875F30F7D0" version="1.0" xmlns:stream="http://etherx.jabber.org/streams" xmlns="jabber:client"><stream:features><starttls xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls"><required/></starttls><mechanisms xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl"><mechanism>X-GOOGLE-TOKEN</mechanism><mechanism>X-OAUTH2</mechanism></mechanisms></stream:features>
    (16:06:25) jabber: Sending ([email protected]): <starttls xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls'/>
    (16:06:25) jabber: Recv (50): <proceed xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls"/>
    (16:06:25) nss: subject=CN=gmail.com,O=Google Inc.,L=Mountain View,ST=California,C=US issuer=CN=Google Internet Authority,O=Google Inc,C=US
    (16:06:25) nss: subject=CN=Google Internet Authority,O=Google Inc,C=US issuer=OU=Equifax Secure Certificate Authority,O=Equifax,C=US
    (16:06:25) nss: subject=OU=Equifax Secure Certificate Authority,O=Equifax,C=US issuer=OU=Equifax Secure Certificate Authority,O=Equifax,C=US
    (16:06:25) certificate/x509/tls_cached: Starting verify for gmail.com
    (16:06:25) certificate/x509/tls_cached: Checking for cached cert...
    (16:06:25) certificate/x509/tls_cached: ...Found cached cert
    (16:06:25) nss/x509: Loading certificate from /home/david/.purple/certificates/x509/tls_peers/gmail.com
    (16:06:25) certificate/x509/tls_cached: Peer cert matched cached
    (16:06:25) nss/x509: Exporting certificate to /home/david/.purple/certificates/x509/tls_peers/gmail.com
    (16:06:25) util: Writing file /home/david/.purple/certificates/x509/tls_peers/gmail.com
    (16:06:25) certificate: Successfully verified certificate for gmail.com
    (16:06:25) jabber: Sending (ssl) ([email protected]): <stream:stream to='gmail.com' xmlns='jabber:client' xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' version='1.0'>
    (16:06:25) jabber: Recv (ssl)(138): <stream:stream from="gmail.com" id="F6FD74872873A647" version="1.0" xmlns:stream="http://etherx.jabber.org/streams" xmlns="jabber:client">
    (16:06:25) jabber: Recv (ssl)(197): <stream:features><mechanisms xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl"><mechanism>PLAIN</mechanism><mechanism>X-GOOGLE-TOKEN</mechanism><mechanism>X-OAUTH2</mechanism></mechanisms></stream:features>
    (16:06:25) sasl: sasl_state is -1, failing the mech and trying again
    (16:06:25) connection: Connection error on 0x7f38e3828ea0 (reason: 3 description: Server does not use any supported authentication method)
    (16:06:25) account: Disconnecting account [email protected]/ (0x7f38e2ca5b50)
    (16:06:25) connection: Disconnecting connection 0x7f38e3828ea0
    (16:06:25) jabber: Sending (ssl) ([email protected]): </stream:stream>
    (16:06:25) connection: Destroying connection 0x7f38e3828ea0

    As you can see, certificate seems to be valid, the problematic one is:

    sasl: sasl_state is -1, failing the mech and trying again

    There is no firewall enabled, so there has to be something else. Any ideas?

    • Dan Hibbert
      Dan Hibbert over 12 years
      If you have an answer to your question, you should take the answer out of the question and post it as an answer (it's OK to answer your own question).
    • David Kuridža
      David Kuridža over 12 years
      Thank you, missed the add answer link. I am used to SO design :)