Unable to load pages in web browsers


Solution 1

The problem was related to IPv6.

  1. In Firefox's URL bar type: about:config

  2. Click the button with the text I'll be careful, I promise!

  3. Enter IPv6 in the filter field. Just one entry named network.dns.disableIPv6 should remain in the list.

  4. Right click on this and press Toggle. The value must be true.

After that, logout and login again, and it should work.

Solution 2

Your browser is set to work offline.

For example in Firefox under File > Work offline. Untick "Work offline" to resolve this.

Solution 3

  1. Are you sure that is a browser problem? Do you have a proxy? Check your browser Firefox -> Modify -> Precerences -> Advanced -> Connection
  2. Do you have a trasparent proxy? Check with this: http://www.lagado.com/proxy-test
  3. Does your ISP block http traffic? You say that ICMP works, check ftp, ssh and other protocols

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Amin Jalali
Author by

Amin Jalali

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Amin Jalali
    Amin Jalali almost 2 years

    Using Ubuntu 11.10, I am having a problem browsing web pages. I tested my connection by pinging different sites. All of them reply to me, but my browsers do not work. The problem is not specific to one browser, as I have tested both Firefox and Chromium.

    This is the wget output when run in Terminal:

    wget ubuntu.com
    Resolving ubuntu.com... Connecting to ubuntu.com||:80

    No error is raised. What do I have to do?

    Thanks for every bodies answers.

    My problem was from IPV6 activat.

    Open the firefox browser and type:


    Press accept button with the text I'll be careful, I promiss!

    then enter IPV6 in filter field. just one entry remain in list with text network.dns.disableIPv6. Right click on this and press Toggle. the value field must be true.

    After, take logout and logon again.

    Now test again!

    I did the above stream.It got solve for some minutes but the problem started again.

    So now I have not the page loading in my ubuntu.

    • Tachyons
      Tachyons over 12 years
      Which type of connection is your using?
    • Tachyons
      Tachyons over 12 years
      And whats your connection speed (use system monitor) try to install apps from ubutu software centre is it possible?
    • Amin Jalali
      Amin Jalali over 12 years
      I am using wireless connection and nothing done here. Update, upgrade, browsing page and etc.
    • lgarzo
      lgarzo over 12 years
      Could you start wget http://www.ubuntu.com/ from a terminal and confirm that you get an index.html in the current working directory? If not, please post the appearing messages, we might catch a hint of the problem.
    • Amin Jalali
      Amin Jalali over 12 years
      I was connecting tile 3 days ago and made no change.Every thing seems to be Ok but this does not works.
    • Amin Jalali
      Amin Jalali over 12 years
      wget ubuntu.com ................. Resolving ubuntu.com... Connecting to ubuntu.com||:80
    • Amin Jalali
      Amin Jalali over 12 years
      ping google.com ......................... PING google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from lhr08s01-in-f19.1e100.net ( icmp_req=1 ttl=50 time=148 ms
    • Amin Jalali
      Amin Jalali over 12 years
      ping ubuntu.com PING ubuntu.com.................. ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from vostok.canonical.com ( icmp_req=1 ttl=49 time=158 ms
    • Amin Jalali
      Amin Jalali over 12 years
      It is interesting. I have ping of the sites but I can not access them. And have no proxy and no special configuration. and because firefox and chromum, both of them have problem so the browsers hav not common problem at list! :S
    • Amin Jalali
      Amin Jalali over 12 years
      I forgot to say that my friend has fedora16 and he has this problem so!
    • lgarzo
      lgarzo over 12 years
      @Amin I think we'd profit from the output like: pastie.org/3373278 Could you pastie yours, or include it in the question?
    • Amin Jalali
      Amin Jalali over 12 years
      what is this and where can I find my own?
    • lgarzo
      lgarzo over 12 years
      This is the output of the wget command above. Pastie is a free web service to paste source code/output of a command (too large to fit into a message). pastie.org/about Alternatively you can edit your question and include the output.
    • lgarzo
      lgarzo over 12 years
      @Amin If I understand correctly it cuts off at connecting to the host. Could you run sudo ufw status and confirm it is Status: inactive to cross out the default firewall?
    • Amin Jalali
      Amin Jalali over 12 years
      because of the hosts are replying, can we get this result that we are connected to the host?
    • lgarzo
      lgarzo over 12 years
      If you did not get the ... connected. text, I'm afraid not.
    • Amin Jalali
      Amin Jalali over 12 years
      The result was --> Status: inactive ................. what is it's mean?
    • lgarzo
      lgarzo over 12 years
      @Amin That means you do not have the „Uncomplicated Firewall” enabled. Could you tell us more about the network you're connecting to (eg. university / corporate, etc.)? Is that administered by yourself or some other person?
    • Amin Jalali
      Amin Jalali over 12 years
      It's administrator is myself. I have bought a wireless modem and ADSL service.
    • lgarzo
      lgarzo over 12 years
      Have you installed the latest kernel update (it is 3.0.0-16.28 for me)? If so, could you reboot and select an older kernel version from Previous linux versions menu? To check your current version start uname -a from terminal.
    • Amin Jalali
      Amin Jalali over 12 years
      I was connecting before with this kernel state and other condition.I made no change on my system.So I thing this problem is out of my system configuration.
    • lgarzo
      lgarzo over 12 years
      Ok. I'm starting to run out of guesses. If it is neither a driver issue (worked with the kernel), nor a firewall issue (does not seem to be enabled), not even wireless filtering issue (works under windows with the same adapter), and definitely not a browser problem (since wget does not work)... What could it be? Well I'd update the question with the gathered information and see if someone more knowledgeable finds the answer. You should also include the output of lspci, uname -a.
    • Amin Jalali
      Amin Jalali over 12 years
      uname -a ---> 3.0.0-12-generic #20-ubuntu SMP
    • Amin Jalali
      Amin Jalali over 12 years
      I set the result in main question
    • lgarzo
      lgarzo over 12 years
      @Amin One thing popped into my mind as I was walking into work: you could try to boot from a Live CD and test from there. I assume the Live environment worked for you when you first installed Ubuntu. Since it is considered an untouched system it crosses out any problem regarding your installation and leaves only the wireless router (or your adapter / or any transmission problem).
    • Michael Gundlach
      Michael Gundlach over 12 years
      @Amin Please edit your question to put the new information you've found in it. Don't post your reply directly as a comment.
  • Amin Jalali
    Amin Jalali over 12 years
    I was using my internet tile 3 days ago.this problem raised newly. I have no proxy and can ping every site I want.
  • Amin Jalali
    Amin Jalali over 12 years
    I connected now with the windows.So there is no ISP problem. and I checked the firefox for proxy.No proxy is set. I have chromum too and I have this problem yet.
  • kev
    kev over 12 years
    Can you change your IP? Reboot wireless router or access point? What is between you and internet? I think that is a filter router-side
  • Amin Jalali
    Amin Jalali over 12 years
    Me-wireless modem-ISP
  • aalaap
    aalaap almost 7 years
    Simply restarting Firefox after doing this also seems to work.