Unable to refresh access token : response is "unauthorized_client"


Solution 1

I created access and refresh token in OAuth2 playground and then i copied them to my app. It`s not allowed to have different clients for autorization and for token refresh.

Solution 2


With the hint @MartinV gave I was finally able to fix it! Because his answer doesn't explain very well how to solve it, I'm going to post it here.

The problem is because we all have generated the Refresh Token using Google's OAuth Playground, but when you click 'Authorize APIs' in the first step, it takes you to the concent screen using the Playground app. After that, all the tokens that you create can be used only by the Playground app, but of course you don't know either the Client ID or the Client Secret for that app.


The solution is to make Playground to use your own Client ID and Secret. To do so, click on the Settings button:

Playground settings

And enter your Client ID and Secret. But, before you do that, as it says there, you need to go to the Developer's Console, find your OAuth 2.0 client IDs client, edit it and add https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground under Authorized redirect URIs. After you added that and saved the changes, go back to the playground and try to Authorize APIs. In my case it took like 15 minutes before the changes in the Authorized redirect URIs took effect.

Once you're done, don't forget to remove the Playground URI from the Developer Console!


Once I have done that, in Python I did this and it worked:

access_token = None 
client_id = 'xxxxxxxx.apps.googleusercontent.com'
client_secret = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx'
refresh_token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx'
token_expiry = None
token_uri = "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token"
user_agent = 'YourAgent/1.0'

credentials = client.GoogleCredentials(access_token, client_id, client_secret, refresh_token, token_expiry, token_uri, user_agent)

http = credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http())

service = build('drive', 'v3', http=http)
req = service.files().list()
resp = req.execute(http=http)

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Martin V.
Author by

Martin V.

Java EE Developer

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Martin V.
    Martin V. almost 2 years

    I am getting an error when I try to refresh access token:

    400 Bad Request

    {error : "unauthorized_client"}

    From the Google token URI:

      "error" : "invalid_request"

    I read this answer here and the official Google documentation (which describes how a POST request should look) and I don't see any difference.

    I captured my POST request (secrets removed):

    User-Agent: Google-HTTP-Java-Client/1.10.3-beta (gzip)
    Pragma: no-cache
    Host: requestb.in
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 175
    Connection: keep-alive
    Cache-Control: no-cache
    Accept-Encoding: gzip
    Accept: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2

    Java code which sends the request:

    RefreshTokenRequest req = new RefreshTokenRequest(new NetHttpTransport(), new JacksonFactory(), new GenericUrl(
                        getSecrets().getDetails().getTokenUri()), REFRESH_TOKEN);
               req.set("client_id", getSecrets().getDetails().getClientId());
               req.set("client_secret", getSecrets().getDetails().getClientSecret());
               TokenResponse response = req.execute();

    Is there anything wrong?

    • Stephan Celis
      Stephan Celis over 11 years
      did u find the answer, getting the same error (stackoverflow.com/questions/13878605/…)
    • Martin V.
      Martin V. over 11 years
      I do not need to impersonate user, i am sending only client and secret id with refresh token. That`s different situation.
  • Neo
    Neo almost 11 years
    It`s not allowed to have different clients for autorization and for token refresh >> Martin can you explain it a bit more.. I am facing similar issue.. thank you.
  • Sunil Silumala
    Sunil Silumala over 10 years
    Hi Martin can you please let me know what you did to solve this error. i am facing same problem.
  • Ryan Williams
    Ryan Williams over 10 years
    Please define what a client is... IP Address, User Agent, how does it know?
  • Trong Dinh
    Trong Dinh over 10 years
    this problem happens when u are using the refresh token is generated by [clientid,screretid] which is different from [clientid,screredid] is used for authorizing process.
  • Bhavin
    Bhavin almost 7 years
    I have followed all your steps but after completion of whole process refresh_token is blank while I got access token in oauthplayground.
  • Diego Jancic
    Diego Jancic almost 7 years
    Not sure I understand. In Playground, you need to click Exchange authorization code for tokens to get the Refresh Token.
  • AnD
    AnD almost 7 years
    i tried to test on localhost, and set my redirect uri to playground but i got: "redirect_uri_mismatch" in my localhost server
  • Diego Jancic
    Diego Jancic almost 7 years
    Not sure if it's using just the redirect parameter or the referrer. I don't remember. In any case, did you way a few minutes after adding the playground URL under in the Dev's console?
  • Raven
    Raven over 6 years
    This answer should have been the correct thorough answer - you literally saved me! haha
  • Captain Kirk
    Captain Kirk about 6 years
    Thank you! Google needs to clean up their act and put this info in their docs.
  • Touya Akira
    Touya Akira over 5 years
    I am sure your answer solved the problem extremely difficult,I went to find it a long time.I love you @Diego Jancic
  • user2101068
    user2101068 about 5 years
    OMG! THANK YOU!!!!....after reviewing tons of StackOverflow postings on the topic, reviewing multiple tutorials on the general topic and pulling out my hair for a week+ trying to figure out why my programmatic request to refresh tokens failed...THIS appears to have solved the problem. I agree with @user1701153 that Google needs better documentation...it's really horrific! Argh!
  • user2101068
    user2101068 about 5 years
    I agree with @Raven this should have been the CORRECT answer!
  • Valor_
    Valor_ almost 5 years
    Oh Jesus! I was fighting with this problem for several days, until I found this post. Thank you man, this should be accepted answer!!! @google please update your docs. This is not normal!