Unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM, expecting T_NS_Separator


Solution 1

It looks like your new server is running PHP 5.3, while your old one was running an earlier version.

In PHP 5.3, namespace is a keyword, thanks to the new namespace feature.

Your existing Namespace class is going to need to be renamed. The parse error is occurring as the code tries to resolve Namespace::isTalk() into a namespace name. (The syntax for doing so would be something akin to namespace Foo; it becomes confused at seeing the :: resolution operator.)

Solution 2

PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM is the name for the :: (it is Hebrew for twice colon)

Check all the lines that contain :: and make sure they are all correct calls.

Author by


Desktop, web, business intelligence and mobile developer.

Updated on June 08, 2022


  • steph66
    steph66 almost 2 years

    I moved an application from an Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) Server to a Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) server over the weekend. My error log is full of the PHP errors in the subject line referencing the following function:

    function wfTalkHereArticleFromTitle( &$title, &$article ) {
        global $wgRequest, $wgTalkHereNamespaces;
        if (isset($title->noTalkHere))
            return true; //Stop recursion
        $action    = $wgRequest->getVal( 'action'    );
        $oldid     = $wgRequest->getVal( 'oldid'     );
        $diff      = $wgRequest->getVal( 'diff'      );
        if ($action == 'purge')
            $action = NULL; //"purge" is not considered an action in this context
        if ($action || $oldid || $diff)
            return true;
        $ns = $title->getNamespace();
        if (!Namespace::isTalk($ns) && Namespace::canTalk($ns) && $title->exists()
            && ( !$wgTalkHereNamespaces || in_array($ns, $wgTalkHereNamespaces) ) ) {
            $tns = Namespace::getTalk($ns);
            $talk = Title::makeTitle($tns, $title->getDBKey());
            if ($talk && $talk->userCan('read')) {
                $t = clone $title;
                $t->noTalkHere = true; //Stop recursion
                $a = MediaWiki::articleFromTitle( $t );
                $article = new TalkHereArticle( $a, $talk );
        return true;

    The error is thrown in the

    If (!Namespace::isTalk($ns)

    statement. This error is a new one for me. How might I resolve it?

    I changed the offending code to:

    if ( !Ns::isTalk($ns) && Ns::canTalk($ns) && $title->exists()
        && ( !$wgTalkHereNamespaces || in_array($ns, $wgTalkHereNamespaces) ) ) {
        $tns = Ns::getTalk($ns);
        $talk = Title::makeTitle($tns, $title->getDBKey());
        if ($talk && $talk->userCan('read')) {
            $t = clone $title;
            $t->noTalkHere = true; //Stop recursion
            $a = MediaWiki::articleFromTitle( $t );
            $article = new TalkHereArticle( $a, $talk );
    return true;

    Would that suffice to fix the error, at least in this file?