Unique value in redis list/set


Solution 1

Instead of using a list, use a set. Sets are containers for unique objects. Each object can only appear once in a set. Take a look at the set-related commands here: http://redis.io/commands/#set.

And an example using redis-cli (we attempt to add "Product One" twice, but it only appears once in the list of products):

$ redis-cli> sadd products "Product One"
(integer) 1> sadd products "Product Two"
(integer) 1> sadd products "Product Three"
(integer) 1> sadd products "Product One"
(integer) 0> smembers products
1) "Product Three"
2) "Product One"
3) "Product Two">

Solution 2

Why not just call Redis.lrem before? So if it finds any occurences of the item, removes them, otherwise will do nothing. Something like this:

def push_item_to_the_list(LIST_KEY, item)
   Redis.lrem(LIST_KEY, 0, item)
   Redis.lpush(LIST_KEY, item)

Solution 3

This is my (reckless) solution to keep Redis List unique. (implementation in Ruby)

def push_item_to_the_list(LIST_KEY, item)
 insert_status = Redis.linsert(LIST_KEY, 'before', item, item)

 if insert_status == -1
   Redis.lpush(LIST_KEY, item)
   Redis.lrem(LIST_KEY, 1, item)

Each time when you want to push or insert item to your list, check if LINSERT command will be able to put this item just after the very same item (this is the only way I know to check if the item is already in the redis list or not).

If LINSERT will return status -1, it means that it was not able to find item in your list - everything is ok (you can push it or insert it now).

If LINSERT will return other value (size of the list in other case) - it means that it was able to find item already and it was able to insert another item, just after the previous one. It means that you have (at least one) duplication of your item. You can delete one of them now.


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Updated on February 27, 2020


  • Sachin
    Sachin over 4 years

    I want to make a list of existing products in redis but I want to check if the product name already exists first (duplicate checking).

    My list currently accepts duplicates, so: Can anyone help me to show how to add unique value in list?

  • Itamar Haber
    Itamar Haber over 9 years
    ...and if you need your "list" in order - use a Sorted Set :)
  • adrian
    adrian over 7 years
    Is there a way to get a queue with unique items in redis? So a sorted set but I want to pop something from the front and then keep popping. :-)
  • Yin
    Yin over 5 years
    the position of my item is changed this way.
  • Yin
    Yin over 5 years
    I need the order