unit test spy on $emit


Solution 1

According to the docs here, you are correct in your understanding of the difference between $emit and $broadcast. However, I think the problem is in your use of $scope and $rootScope. Your $rootScope will be at the top level of your scope hierarchy. I'm guessing (just by looking at your snippets without being able to see all the code) that your $scope in your controller is a nested controller, meaning that $scope in your controller is a child of the app's $rootScope.

Because of that, when your unit test spys on the $rootScope.$emit function, it is not actually spying on your controller's $scope.$emit() call. Those two "scopes" are different, not the same thing. So, you need to mock the $scope that you provide for the controller and then do a spyOn on that.

For example, in your beforeEach:

var ctrl, scope;

beforeEach(function() {
    inject(function($rootScope, $controller) {
        scope = $rootScope.$new();
        ctrl = $controller('<CTRL NAME HERE>', {$scope: scope});

This code will actually create a "mock" scope variable and will provide that object to your controller, which you can then do spies and other things with. Such as:

spyOn(scope, '$emit');
// do whatever triggers the "$emit" call

I'm pretty sure that should fix your problem. Let me know if that needs more explanation.

Solution 2

If your directive has a controller, you could, and should, test that separately from the directive. That's the whole point of an MVC architecture, you can test the C seperately from the V. ;)

That said, it would be a plain-Jane controller test spec.

Another tip: You should do all of your set up in your beforeEach() block (i.e. spies and whatever) and then do the assertions in your it() blocks.

Finally: Make sure that the spy you're setting up, is on the scope you're passing into the controller you're testing.

Author by


20+ years experience in web development, system administration and application management.

Updated on June 07, 2022


  • Maarten
    Maarten about 2 years

    I'm trying to spy on an $emit from a directive, but somehow I cannot get the spy to 'hear' the $emit.

    This is the code in my directives' controller:

    $scope.$on('send', function () {
        $scope.$emit('resultSend', {'ok': true, 'data': ''});

    This is my unit test:

    var $rootScope, $compile, elm, element;
    beforeEach(inject(function ($injector) {
        $rootScope = $injector.get('$rootScope');
        $compile = $injector.get('$compile');
        elm = angular.element('<test></test>');
        element = $compile(elm)($rootScope);
    it('should listen for the send broadcast and emit the resultSend', function () {
        spyOn($rootScope, '$emit');

    The console.log output ('called') is printed out by Karma, so I guess the unit test broadcast event does work.

    Does this have to do with $emit not broadcasting down but up, and if so, how do I catch it, and if not, how else do I handle this case?