Unix command-line JSON parser?


Solution 1

You can use this command-line parser (which you could put into a bash alias if you like), using modules built into the Perl core:

perl -MData::Dumper -MJSON::PP=from_json -ne'print Dumper(from_json($_))'

Solution 2

I prefer python -m json.tool which seems to be available per default on most *nix operating systems per default.

$ echo '{"foo":1, "bar":2}' | python -m json.tool
    "bar": 2, 
    "foo": 1

Note: Depending on your version of python, all keys might get sorted alphabetically, which can or can not be a good thing. With python 2 it was the default to sort the keys, while in python 3.5+ they are no longer sorted automatically, but you have the option to sort by key explicitly:

$ echo '{"foo":1, "bar":2}' | python3 -m json.tool --sort-keys
    "bar": 2, 
    "foo": 1

Solution 3

If you're looking for a portable C compiled tool:


From the website:

jq is like sed for JSON data - you can use it to slice and filter and map and transform structured data with the same ease that sed, awk, grep and friends let you play with text.

jq can mangle the data format that you have into the one that you want with very little effort, and the program to do so is often shorter and simpler than you’d expect.

Tutorial: https://stedolan.github.io/jq/tutorial/
Manual: https://stedolan.github.io/jq/manual/
Download: https://stedolan.github.io/jq/download/

Solution 4

I have created a module specifically designed for command-line JSON manipulation:


  • FLEXIBLE - THE "swiss-army-knife" tool for processing JSON data - can be used as a simple pretty-printer, or as a full-powered Javascript command-line
  • POWERFUL - Exposes the full power and functionality of underscore.js (plus underscore.string)
  • SIMPLE - Makes it simple to write JS one-liners similar to using "perl -pe"
  • CHAINED - Multiple command invokations can be chained together to create a data processing pipeline
  • MULTI-FORMAT - Rich support for input / output formats - pretty-printing, strict JSON, etc [coming soon]
  • DOCUMENTED - Excellent command-line documentation with multiple examples for every command

It allows you to do powerful things really easily:

cat earthporn.json | underscore select '.data .title'
# [ 'Fjaðrárgljúfur canyon, Iceland [OC] [683x1024]',
#   'New town, Edinburgh, Scotland [4320 x 3240]',
#   'Sunrise in Bryce Canyon, UT [1120x700] [OC]',
# ...
#   'Kariega Game Reserve, South Africa [3584x2688]',
#   'Valle de la Luna, Chile [OS] [1024x683]',
#   'Frosted trees after a snowstorm in Laax, Switzerland [OC] [1072x712]' ]

cat earthporn.json | underscore select '.data .title' | underscore count
# 25

underscore map --data '[1, 2, 3, 4]' 'value+1'
# prints: [ 2, 3, 4, 5 ]

underscore map --data '{"a": [1, 4], "b": [2, 8]}' '_.max(value)'
# [ 4, 8 ]

echo '{"foo":1, "bar":2}' | underscore map -q 'console.log("key = ", key)'
# key = foo
# key = bar

underscore pluck --data "[{name : 'moe', age : 40}, {name : 'larry', age : 50}, {name : 'curly', age : 60}]" name
# [ 'moe', 'larry', 'curly' ]

underscore keys --data '{name : "larry", age : 50}'
# [ 'name', 'age' ]

underscore reduce --data '[1, 2, 3, 4]' 'total+value'
# 10

And it has one of the best "smart-whitespace" JSON formatters available:

If you have any feature requests, comment on this post or add an issue in github. I'd be glad to prioritize features that are needed by members of the community.

Solution 5

Checkout TickTick.

It's a true Bash JSON parser.

. /path/to/ticktick.sh

# File
DATA=`cat data.json`
# cURL
#DATA=`curl http://foobar3000.com/echo/request.json`

tickParse "$DATA"

echo ``pathname``
echo ``headers["user-agent"]``
Jé Queue
Author by

Jé Queue

Updated on August 07, 2020


  • Jé Queue
    Jé Queue over 3 years

    Can anyone recommend a Unix (choose your flavor) JSON parser that could be used to introspect values from a JSON response in a pipeline?

  • Landon Kuhn
    Landon Kuhn about 12 years
    I am confused by the output of this. The output includes fat arrows (=>) between keys and values. This isn't JSON.
  • Jé Queue
    Jé Queue about 12 years
    Gotta love shell-level tools :)
  • Ether
    Ether about 12 years
    @landon: no, the input is JSON, and the output is a native Perl data structure, which you can then go on to further manipulate if needed. The point of this one-liner is it produces data that is much easier to read.
  • activout.se
    activout.se almost 12 years
    Easy to install, on Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install python-pip && sudo pip install jsonpipe
  • scorpiodawg
    scorpiodawg over 11 years
    Underrated answer. This is a nice command-line alternative if the goal is to validate a given JSON file as containing valid JSON.
  • Camilo Martin
    Camilo Martin over 10 years
    Awesome! But, is it possible to run console commands on JSON data? For example: given a JSON file with an URL array, wget every URL.
  • Dave Dopson
    Dave Dopson over 10 years
    @CamiloMartin - the easiest way to do that is to print out the URLs, one URL per line, and then run that through xargs or GNU parallel.
  • FrozenCow
    FrozenCow over 10 years
    Best answer in here imo. No heavy dependencies, small, powerful, good documentation and a breeze to try it out. Thanks a lot for suggesting this!
  • gitaarik
    gitaarik over 10 years
    @divideandconquer.se Sorry but you install this tool using npm with npm install json.
  • user227666
    user227666 about 10 years
    How can I install jkid in mac?
  • user227666
    user227666 about 10 years
    @DaveDopson Can I use underscore for parsing nested json having nested objects and arrays?
  • Dave Dopson
    Dave Dopson about 10 years
    @user227666 - sure. JSON supports nesting many levels of objects. Or you might mean JSON that has a string which encodes further JSON. Which also works, but requires just a bit of munging.
  • Colin Su
    Colin Su almost 10 years
    this answer didn't describe how to inspect values of specified key.
  • muhqu
    muhqu almost 10 years
    @ColinSu but that was also not the original question. json.tool is just a short hand to pretty print json. If you need to extract/manipulate json data in a shell script, I would use jq which is pure awesome at what is does...
  • Colin Su
    Colin Su almost 10 years
    @muhqu yeah, I know, I use json.tool ten times daily. I think I misread the meaning of "introspec" in the question, thank for your pointing out.
  • Colin Su
    Colin Su almost 10 years
    BTW, I use jq too, it's awesome!
  • ekta
    ekta over 9 years
    @DaveDopson Does underscore support "contains" a "pattern", ie. for a specific "key", the possible set of (case-insenstitive) values ? I tried "jq" with match, but it doesn't work. Also posted my complete use-case here - stackoverflow.com/questions/25463196/…
  • glerYbo
    glerYbo over 9 years
    Example usage on OSX: brew install jshon, cat *.json | jshon
  • Brad
    Brad over 9 years
    @rednaw Unfortunately, the NPM package json seems to be taken over by a completely different package now.
  • Devy
    Devy over 7 years
    IMMO this is an incorrect answer because python's json.tool only does two things: validate and pretty-print json. It does NOT introspect values in the json like jq does.
  • Pablo Bianchi
    Pablo Bianchi over 6 years
    On Ubuntu/Debian you can just apt install jq.
  • Georgy Vladimirov
    Georgy Vladimirov over 5 years
    If you want a JSON output, you can use this Perl one-liner: perl -e "use JSON; print to_json( decode_json(<>), { pretty => 1 } )"
  • Jé Queue
    Jé Queue over 4 years
    I asked this many-a-moon ago, and have learned to love jq.
  • Aditya Sriram
    Aditya Sriram over 3 years
    For Python 3.5+, the keys are not sorted automatically but rather follow the same order as the input. One needs to use the --sort-keys option to have the keys sorted.
  • muhqu
    muhqu over 3 years
    @AdityaSriram good to know! …will add this info to the answer.