Unresolved <ejb-link>


Solution 1

I had the same issue when trying to deploy my application, NetBeans generated this code in my web.xml on its own.

Check your web.xml and see if you see this:


if so just remove it comepletely, it should deploy after.

Solution 2

What is the name of your EJB module? Unless the jar file is named literally "TaskTool-ejb.jar", then you need to use either:




The latter assumes you haven't overridden the module-name in ejb-jar.xml.

Update: Based on your own comment, perhaps you need to use "com.oracle.eas_TaskTool-ejb_ejb_1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar#ContextFacade" or "com.oracle.eas_TaskTool-ejb_ejb_1.0-SNAPSHOT/ContextFacade".

Author by


Updated on June 30, 2022


  • retrodev
    retrodev almost 2 years

    I'm developing in NetBeans 7, with EJB3.1 and Glassfish 3.1. I am trying to reference the Local Interface of a Session Bean in a JAR from a POJO in a WAR. When I deploy to Glassfish I receive:

    SEVERE: Unresolved <ejb-link>: TaskTool-ejb#ContextFacade
    SEVERE: Exception while deploying the app [com.oracle.eas_TaskTool-ear_ear_1.0-SNAPSHOT]
    SEVERE: Error: Unresolved <ejb-link>: TaskTool-ejb#ContextFacade

    I used the NetBeans helper to generate the code to reference the Session Bean's Local Interface and it generated the <ejb-local-ref> section in web.xml for me.

    public interface ContextFacadeLocal {
        void create(Context context);
        void edit(Context context);
        void remove(Context context);
        Context find(Object id);
        List<Context> findAll();
        List<Context> findRange(int[] range);
        int count();
        List<Context> findRootContexts();
    public class ContextFacade extends AbstractFacade<Context> implements ContextFacadeLocal {
        @PersistenceContext(unitName = "TaskToolPU")
        private EntityManager em;
        protected EntityManager getEntityManager() {
            return em;
        public ContextFacade() {
        public List<Context> findRootContexts() {
            CriteriaBuilder builder = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
            CriteriaQuery<Context> query = builder.createQuery(Context.class);
            Root<Context> c = query.from(Context.class);
            TypedQuery<Context> q = em.createQuery(query);
            return q.getResultList();
    @FacesConverter(value = "contextConverter")
    public class contextConverter implements Converter {
        ContextFacadeLocal contextFacade = lookupContextFacadeLocal();
        public Object getAsObject(FacesContext fc, UIComponent uic, String string) {
            return contextFacade.find(string);
        public String getAsString(FacesContext fc, UIComponent uic, Object o) {ntityManager() {
            return em;
        public ContextFacade() {
        public List<Context> findRootContexts() {
            CriteriaBuilder builder = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
            CriteriaQuery<Context> query = builder.createQuery(Context.class);
            Root<Context> c = query.from(Context.class);
            TypedQuery<Context> q = em.createQuery(query);
            return q.getResultList();
    @FacesConverter(value = "contextConverter")
    public class contextConverter implements Converter {
        ContextFacadeLocal contextFacade = lookupContextFacadeLocal();
        public Object getAsObject(FacesContext fc, UIComponent uic, String string) {
            return contextFacade.find(string);
        public String getAsString(FacesContext fc, UIComponent uic, Object o) {
            return ((Context) o).getId().toString();
        private ContextFacadeLocal lookupContextFacadeLocal() {
            try {
                javax.naming.Context c = new InitialContext();
                //return (ContextFacadeLocal) c.lookup("java:global/com.oracle.eas_TaskTool-ear_ear_1.0-SNAPSHOT/com.oracle.eas_TaskTool-ejb_ejb_1.0-SNAPSHOT/ContextFacade!com.oracle.eas.ejbs.ContextFacadeLocal");
                return (ContextFacadeLocal) c.lookup("java:comp/env/TaskTool-ejb#ContextFacade");
            } catch (NamingException ne) {
                Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, "exception caught", ne);
                throw new RuntimeException(ne);
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <web-app version="3.0" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_3_0.xsd">
            <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
            <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>


    For clarity:

    I don't have an ejb-jar.xml at all.

    Using either <ejb-link>TaskTool-ejb/ContextFacade</ejb-link> or <ejb-link>com.oracle.eas_TaskTool-ejb_ejb_1.0-SNAPSHOT/ContextFacade</ejb-link> works.

    Please see bkail answers below for explanation. Many thanks!

  • retrodev
    retrodev almost 13 years
    bkail, I don't have an ejb-jar.xml at all. Using either <ejb-link>TaskTool-ejb/ContextFacade</ejb-link> or <ejb-link>com.oracle.eas_TaskTool-ejb_ejb_1.0-SNAPSHOT/Conte‌​xtFacade</ejb-link> works. Could you explain the difference between using # or / and why I need this section in web.xml at all?
  • Brett Kail
    Brett Kail almost 13 years
    The # syntax is <uri>#<ejb-name>, where uri is the physical JAR name in the EAR, and ejb-name is the bean name (default is the short class name of the annotated EJB). The / syntax is <module-name>/<ejb-name>, where the module-name is specified in ejb-jar.xml (default is the URI without the extension). Can you elaborate on what you mean by "why I need this section in web.xml at all"? Do you mean the whole ejb-local-ref or the ejb-link?
  • retrodev
    retrodev almost 13 years
    I mean the ejb-local-ref. Glassfish 3.1 doesn't seem to need it.
  • Brett Kail
    Brett Kail almost 13 years
    The ejb-local-ref is declaring a reference to allow lookup("java:comp/env/ContextFacade"). If nothing in your code is using that (or you have an @EJB(name="ContextFacade") elsewhere), then you don't need the ejb-local-ref.
  • Twimnox
    Twimnox over 7 years
    Worked for me, I don't know what triggers netbeans to do this, it was the first time it happened when developing webservices...