UnsafePointer<UInt8> initializer in Swift 3

  1. In Swift 3, you cannot init an UnsafePointer using an UnsafeRawPointer.

    You can use assumingMemoryBound(to:) to convert an UnsafeRawPointer into an UnsafePointer<T>. Like this:

    var ptr = data.bytes.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self)
  2. Use debugDescription or distance(to:) to compare two pointer.

    while(ptr.debugDescription < endPtr.debugDescription)


    while(ptr.distance(to:endPtr) > 0)

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Updated on June 09, 2020


  • GrayFox
    GrayFox about 4 years

    I have a receipt validation class that is deprecated since Swift 3 has released. I fixed some issues, but I still have many ...

    Here is the GitHub source code I used : https://gist.github.com/baileysh9/4386ea92b047d97c7285#file-parsing_productids-swift and https://gist.github.com/baileysh9/eddcba49d544635b3cf5

    1. First Error :

          var p = UnsafePointer<UInt8>(data.bytes)

    Compiler throws : Cannot invoke initializer for type UnsafePointer(UInt8) with an argument list of type UnsafeRawPointer

    1. Second error

      while (ptr < end)

    Binary operators < cannot be applied to two UnsafePointer(UInt8) operands

    Thank you very much in advance :)


    Thanks to LinShiwei answer I found a solution to UnsafePointer declaration. It compiles but not tested yet (because other errors avoid me to test) :

     func getProductIdFromReceipt(_ data:Data) -> String?
      let tempData: NSMutableData = NSMutableData(length: 26)!
      data.withUnsafeBytes {
            tempData.replaceBytes(in: NSMakeRange(0, data.count), withBytes: $0)
        var p: UnsafePointer? = tempData.bytes.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self)
  • GrayFox
    GrayFox over 7 years
    Okay thank you, this helped :) ! I Edit my question to add my new code because it is a bit more complex
  • LinShiwei
    LinShiwei over 7 years
    @GrayFox What's the problem?
  • GrayFox
    GrayFox over 7 years
    data.bytes.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self) doesn't work because 'bytes' throws a compiler error : "needs to use UnsafeBytes instead of bytes". I added the entire block into EDIT section ;). Now, this works but I have other new errors in device.identifierForVendor.getBytes(UnsafeMutablePointer(mut‌​ableData!.mutableByt‌​es)) which is : "Cannot invoke init of type UnsafeMutablePointer with argument list of type UnsafeMutableRawPointer" ....
  • LinShiwei
    LinShiwei over 7 years
    Using assumingMemoryBound(to:) again to convert UnsafeMutableRawPointer into UnsafeMutablePointer :)