Update apk build by flutter on play store on other build apk that was build by android previously


Yes, you application will have the same id on PlayStore

The application id is only affected if you change the applicationId in the project's module build.gradle file. The file found here project/module/build.gradle.

When you start using Flutter, this file is located here project/android/module/build.gradle eg. Let's say that the project folder is FunnyJokes and you used Android Studio to create your project. Then the location is FunnyJokes/app/build.gradle where app is the name of the module. When you use flutter, this might change to FunnyJokes/android/app/build.gradle

I hope this answers your question extensively.

NB: Also make sure you never lose/change your keystore. If this happens, then you might never be able to update the app on Play Store with the same package name or applicationId

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Good players don't make good coaches.

Updated on December 13, 2022


  • CopsOnRoad
    CopsOnRoad over 1 year

    I have an app on play store i have made that on android. Now i have to make that on flutter. Will apk build on flutter with same package name can be updated on play store for same id.

    I have no idea about this scenerio