Update to 13.10 without GUI access


Solution 1

Note: you could be helped by this question: Ubuntu gets stuck in a login loop

If you have access to CTRL+ALT+F1, this should be fine.

If you're lucky, all you need to do is run startx once you're logged in and get to a usable (albeit compiz-less) desktop.

If you're less lucky, here's the long way:

I found instructions here

In a nutshell, run

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade 

to update all packages, then

sudo apt-get install update-manager-core
sudo do-release-upgrade

to do the actual update to 13.10


Get your files out (using a Live USB/CD) and reinstall from a 13.10 Live USB/CD.

Solution 2

Try running sudo do-release-upgrade from the command line.

Solution 3

Yes you can update from the command line. Use sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get upgrade and your packages should be completely up to date. For a distribution upgrade do sudo do-release-upgrade.

Author by


Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Tom
    Tom over 1 year

    After upgrading 13.04 with the latest patches, I'm getting some really weird problems -- namely, logging in at the GUI just dumps me back at the GUI login screen. I can, however, get command line access from Ctrl-Alt-F1, and remotely via SSH.

    Given that I was doing these updates to step to 13.10, I figure I might as well continue the process, and then deal with the fallout once I get there. However, how can this be achieved with only the command line, and no X available?

    The only method I've found thus far is to run 'update-manager', which does not appear to have a CLI mode (and will not start without access to X).

    What's the solution?


  • Tom
    Tom over 10 years
    Nope - this doesn't switch from the 13.04 release to 13.10. It just tries to update to the latest packages within 13.04, which I've already done. (And caused listed problems!)
  • troylatroy
    troylatroy over 10 years
    Oh I'm sorry i thought you wanted your packages updated. I'll update my answer