Updating indexed document in Elasticsearch


The update request retrieve source from Elasticsearch, modifies it and indexes it back to Elasticsearch. If you already have a copy of the document using update makes little sense. It would be generally faster to just index the new version. However, if you don't have the document readily available but you know which changes you would like to make to the document, it might be more efficient to use update.

For example, if I don't have a copy of the car document, but I want to add a new creator I can do something like this:

curl -XDELETE localhost:9200/test

curl -XPUT localhost:9200/test -d '{
    "settings": {
        "index.number_of_shards": 1,
        "index.number_of_replicas": 0
    "mappings": {
        "car": {
            "properties": {
                "creators" : {
                    "type": "nested",
                    "properties": {
                        "name": {"type":"string"}

curl -XPOST localhost:9200/test/car/1 -d '{
    "creators": [{
        "name": "Steve"

curl -XPOST localhost:9200/test/car/1/_update -d '{
    "script" : "ctx._source.creators += new_creator",
    "params" : {
        "new_creator" : {"name": "John"}

curl "localhost:9200/test/car/1?pretty=true"

In the update script ctx is a special variable that allows you to access the source of the object that you want to update. The ctx._source is a writable version of the source. You can modify this document in the script and the modified source will be persisted as the new version of the document.

Author by


Updated on June 14, 2022


  • LuckyLuke
    LuckyLuke almost 2 years

    I am trying to understand how you update an indexed document in Elasticsearch. I don't understand how it works? What is the ctx that the API is referring to doing? Let say you have a document with nested documents what do you have to do to update it?

    And what is the difference between deleting the document and then index the "updated" version, vs a plain update?

  • LuckyLuke
    LuckyLuke about 11 years
    Thanks for another great response :) So you would make the update method in a Java application by first deleting the document and then index it again.
  • imotov
    imotov about 11 years
    No need to delete the document first. You can simply index it. If a document with the same id already exists it will be automatically deleted and replaced with the new version.
  • Adrian
    Adrian almost 10 years
    I got an error executing the update script... in ES v1.3.1. Any ideas? {"error":"ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException[failed to execute script]; nested: ScriptException[dynamic scripting for [mvel] disabled]; ","status":400}
  • imotov
    imotov almost 10 years
  • Alexey Tigarev
    Alexey Tigarev over 9 years
    @imotov Great answer! BTW is the source language of the script groovy or mvel? I think the default language was mvel at the time of posting, now the default is groovy (if it is not changed explicitly in ES configuration).
  • Emil
    Emil about 8 years
    Is it necessary to send curl -XPUT request for mappings again while Index is already exist?
  • imotov
    imotov about 8 years
    @batmaci deletion and creation of the index is just to show complete snippet that works
  • user1535501
    user1535501 over 7 years
    Do you happen to know how if its possible to 'update' on of these nested documents (ie the car already has 5 creators, one of which is John, and i want to rename John to Johnny withouth knowing the other creators?
  • imotov
    imotov over 7 years
    @pvgoddijn nested documents are extracted from source. You can update any part of source, which means you can update nested documents as well.
  • martin_wun
    martin_wun about 2 years
    This only answers the question of how you add a new nested doc. But how would update specific fields in a given nested doc? How would ES even identify the nested doc to update in the update query?
  • Marc
    Marc about 2 years
    With a script which loops over the array and finds the right entry. There may be a nicer way with some ArrayList methods.
  • Marc
    Marc about 2 years
    With a script which loops over the array and finds the right entry. There may be a nicer way with some ArrayList methods.