upload failed You uploaded an APK that is signed with a different certificate to your previous APKs


Please make sure you have used the same Key alias as well. I faced the same error when changed Key alias to a new one.

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Updated on June 28, 2022


  • Admin
    Admin about 2 years

    I need to update my app in google play store, but I generated apk file on another computer that the previous one. I used the same keystore file (lazymojo.jsk) and I get an error about using different SHA1 certificate. Then I switched to my old pc where i made the first version and generate signed apk, but it gives me the same error again.

    You uploaded an APK that is signed with a different certificate to your previous APKs. You must use the same certificate. Your existing APKs are signed with the certificate(s) with fingerprint(s): [ SHA1: 58:EA:40:73:F8:0E:7F:07:A7:0B:C3:EE:FB:FA:22:50:18:CF:53:4E ] and the certificate(s) used to sign the APK you uploaded have fingerprint(s):
    [ SHA1: 6F:12:B6:7B:7F:55:8C:F9:98:B3:78:41:8A:9E:EB:E6:99:7B:91:45 ]

    I used same keystore file and password.

    Please help me i am new in android developing. Thanks in ad=vance

  • user2575424
    user2575424 about 3 years
    keytool -list -printcert -jarfile yourfile.apk This worked for me in a different way, allowed me to see the date of the certificate, and the owner, from there I was able to workout where to find the original locally.