Uploading file using POST request in Flutter


Solution 1

The correct way is to use a MultipartRequest:

    var uri = Uri.parse(url);
    var request = new MultipartRequest("POST", uri);

    var multipartFile = await MultipartFile.fromPath("package", videoPath);

    StreamedResponse response = await request.send();
    response.stream.transform(utf8.decoder).listen((value) {

Solution 2

You can use the Dio package. It supports large files and works fine with me.

sendFile(String kMainUrl, XFile file) async {
    String filePath = file.path;
    String fileName = 'any name';

    try {
      FormData formData = FormData.fromMap({
        await MultipartFile.fromFile(filePath, filename:fileName),
      Response response =
      await Dio().post(kMainUrl, data: formData);
      print("File upload response: $response");
    } catch (e) {
      print("Exception Caught: $e");
Razvan Cristian Lung
Author by

Razvan Cristian Lung

I'm a forward thinking developer offering more than two years of experience building, integrating, testing and supporting Flutter and Android applications. I like projects that put efficiency and user experience first. Though sometimes this might be tough, I like to be presented to difficult situations. I've been learning Android as a hobby, but it soon became one of my favorite things to do. I like to make full use of the Firebase SDK. And since Flutter came out I just fell in love with it. It is so versatile and performant. Take note: This is the future. (Fuchsia I'm waiting for you)

Updated on December 03, 2022


  • Razvan Cristian Lung
    Razvan Cristian Lung over 1 year

    I'm trying to upload a video file to my server using a post request.

    var file = new File(videoPath);
    var uri = Uri.parse(tokenizedUri);
    HttpClientRequest request = await new HttpClient().postUrl(uri);
    await request.addStream(file.openRead());
    var response = await request.close();
    response.transform(utf8.decoder).forEach((string) {
      print(string); // handle data

    But the server doesn't get it. Why?