Use a function declaration to bind a function to a name


Dart's effective usage documentation suggests it is a better practice to use function declaration construct than it is to use assignment to an anonymous function.

That is

int foo() =>  1

instead of

int Function() foo = () => 1

In your example, that would mean declaring a function onChanged, instead of performing an assignment to onChanged:

void onChanged(CameraDescription? description){

The reason you're seeing this warning is that since Flutter 2.3.0 flutter_lints is by default packaged along with any flutter applications.

For more on Dart lints and effective usage, see the documentation on Effective Dart: Usage and List of Dart lints. Specifically, the warning you see is found on prefer_function_declarations_over_variables

Author by


Updated on December 06, 2022


  • Maahdi.Codes
    Maahdi.Codes over 1 year

    I am new to flutter. I was using the camera plugin to add the camera to my app. And I got this warning Use a function declaration to bind a function to a name. How can I solve this one?

    Code -

    Widget _cameraTogglesRowWidget() {
        final List<Widget> toggles = <Widget>[];
        final onChanged = (CameraDescription? description) {
          if (description == null) {
    • h8moss
      h8moss over 2 years
      I believe the warning comes from this line final onChanged = (CameraDescription? description) {, which should be onChanged(CameraDescription? description) {, here is the specific rule…