Use custom domain for firebase function http calls


Solution 1

I have contacted firebase support to get some answers about this. And I was forwarded to this part in the documentation.

You can use your own domain with the firebase-cloud-functions. The way to do is is using the firebase-hosting.

  1. Connect custom domain to firebase hosting
  2. Add custom function routing to firebase.json

      "hosting": {
        "public": "public",
        // Add the following rewrites section *within* "hosting"
        "rewrites": [{
          "source": "/bigben", "function": "bigben"
  3. Deploy to firebase

Solution 2

The accepted answer is correct, and I created this repository last year to demonstrate the functionality:

In order to retain the HTML pushState functionality as per you may want to extend the rules to allow all other requests through to your index.html page, which solves the issue @Boris was facing in his answer.

"rewrites": [
        "source": "/api/**",
        "function": "app"
        "source": "!/@(api)/**",
        "destination": "/index.html"

This shouldn't really be needed as the rewrite rules are meant to match the first occurence of a request (so the order matters), but this worked for me by allowing all non-api related requests through.

Please note: At the time of writing this the Firebase documentation states: Firebase Hosting supports Cloud Functions in us-central1 only.

Solution 3

If anyone else runs into this, Thomas Bulva's answer is correct but for me, I also had to remove the below snippet from the firebase.json file. .

It was redirecting any request to the index.html page. My https://us---<> URL was working fine; when I did /helloWorld it would take me to "Hello from Firebase!" But if I tried the same from my custom domain, it would fail. Removing this fixed it.

   "source": "**",
   "destination": "/index.html"
Tomas Bulva
Author by

Tomas Bulva

I'm a full stack software developer with years of experience. A polyglot with experience ranging from building API's and server apps in Node.js, php to websites and web apps in Angular, Ember, react to iPhone apps in Objective-C, Swift and PHP. I have worked for a range of companies from global corporations to local businesses

Updated on June 18, 2022


  • Tomas Bulva
    Tomas Bulva about 2 years

    Is there a way to use a custom domain for firebase cloud functions http hooks.

    The default url for cloud functions looks something like this:


    I would like to make it look like this:

    I looked around if there was some other people looking for the same solution and sure enough I found this: