Use doxygen to document members of a c structure outside of the structure definition


Maybe one day doxygen will have a special @field tag for this, until that time, the following can be used:

/** @struct foreignstruct
 *  @brief This structure blah blah blah...
 *  @var foreignstruct::a 
 *  Member 'a' contains...
 *  @var foreignstruct::b 
 *  Member 'b' contains...

Which is a short-hand notation for

/** @struct foreignstruct
 *  @brief This structure blah blah blah...
/** @var foreignstruct::a 
 *  Member 'a' contains...
/** @var foreignstruct::b 
 *  Member 'b' contains...
Author by


Updated on July 24, 2022


  • Ben
    Ben almost 2 years

    I am using doxygen to comment my C code. I am making use of a foreign API (i.e. not my own) for which documentation is scarce so I intend to document some of that API within my own source files. I do have the header file for the foreign API but it is not practical to add my own comments to that file.

    Foreign Header

    struct foreignstruct
        int a;
        int b;

    My Header

    /** My structure comments... */
    struct mystruct
        /** Describe field here... */
        int field;
    /** @struct foreignstruct
     *  @brief This structure blah blah blah...
     *  @??? a Member 'a' contains...
     *  @??? b Member 'b' contains...

    What tag do I use in place of @??? to get the correct doxygen output (where 'correct' means generated output for mystruct and foreignstruct are the same)?

  • Ben
    Ben almost 13 years
    This solution works if foreignstruct is in a file which is parsed by doxygen. Do you expect it to work if that file isn't known to doxygen? I see warning: no uniquely matching class member found for foreignstruct::a when the foreignstruct definition can't be found (which is correct because I don't want doxygen parsing that foreign header). I've tried adding the path to the header (@struct foreignstruct /full/path/to/header.h) but I get warning: the name full/path/to/header.h' supplied as the argument of the \class, \struct, \union, or \include command is not an input file`.
  • doxygen
    doxygen almost 13 years
    The struct should indeed be known to doxygen. So you can either let doxygen parse the foreign header in addition to your local documentation or add a dummy definition of the struct with fields locally (but then you do not have to use @struct and @var).
  • Ben
    Ben almost 13 years
    Not what I was hoping the answer would be, but it is the answer I was expecting. Thanks for the help.