Use .GetMapAsync instead .getMap method with Google Play Services (Xamarin)


Solution 1

Your map fragment class must implement OnMapReadyCallback and override onMapReady():

public void onMapReady(final GoogleMap map) { = map;

In your onCreateView use getMapAsync() to set the callback on the fragment:

MapFragment mapFragment = (MapFragment) getFragmentManager()
    .findFragmentById(; mapFragment.getMapAsync(this);

All that you need to implement the google maps V2 is here:

Solution 2

This might be late reply to your question, but may helpful to somebody else with the same issue. GetMapAsync() expects implementation of callback object of type IOnMapReadyCallback.

Find more detail here in my blog entry:

public class OnMapReadyClass :Java.Lang.Object,IOnMapReadyCallback
  public GoogleMap Map { get; private set; }
  public event Action<GoogleMap> MapReadyAction;

  public void OnMapReady (GoogleMap googleMap)
        Map = googleMap; 

        if ( MapReadyAction != null )
           MapReadyAction (Map);

Now Call the GetMapAsync() and event Action return map instance on successful Map initialization.

GoogleMap map;
bool SetUpGoogleMap()
     if(null != map ) return false;

     var frag = FragmentManager.FindFragmentById<mapfragment>(;
     var mapReadyCallback = new OnMapReadyClass();

     mapReadyCallback.MapReadyAction += delegate(GoogleMap googleMap )

     return true;

Solution 3

Please see this:

public class MapActivity : Activity, IOnMapReadyCallback

 public void OnMapReady(GoogleMap googleMap)
        if (googleMap != null)
           //Map is ready for use

Hope this will help you.

Author by


We don't need to know the syntax!!! We know to write code!

Updated on July 05, 2022


  • Blasco73
    Blasco73 about 2 years

    An old code works perfectly in this way:

    LatLng location = new LatLng (myClass.myLocation.Latitude, myClass.myLocation.Longitude);
    CameraPosition.Builder builder = CameraPosition.InvokeBuilder ();
    builder.Target (location);
    builder.Zoom (18);
    CameraPosition cameraPosition = builder.Build ();
    MapsInitializer.Initialize (this);
    CameraUpdate cameraUpdate = CameraUpdateFactory.NewCameraPosition (cameraPosition);
    MapFragment googleMap = FragmentManager.FindFragmentById<MapFragment> (;
    theMap = googleMap.Map;
    if (theMap != null) {
        theMap.MapType = GoogleMap.MapTypeNormal;
        theMap.MoveCamera (cameraUpdate);

    but now that the .Map is obsolete and deprecated, I must to use .GetMapAsync in some way:

    theMap = googleMap.GetMapAsync (IOnMapReadyCallback);

    But I don't understand how.

    There is somebody that can help me?

  • Antonio Ribeiro
    Antonio Ribeiro almost 9 years
    I don't think you need to test for null Docs; At least is what I understood for it. But I don't know if the same can be said about Xamarin, I'm just a beginner and just stumbled in your answer and in the docs at the same time.
  • Daniel Krzyczkowski
    Daniel Krzyczkowski almost 9 years
    Hello, please see here:… This is official Xamarin doc. You must check null.