use of constexpr in header file


Solution 1

constexpr implies const and const on global/namespace scope implies static (internal linkage), which means that every translation unit including this header gets its own copy of PI. The memory for that static is only going to be allocated if an address or reference to it is taken, and the address is going to be different in each translation unit.

That implied static for const variables was introduced specifically to use const instead of #define in header files in C++ to define constants. Without static there would be multiple symbol definitions linker error if that header file is included in more than one translation unit which were linked together.

In C++17 you can also make it inline, so that there is only ever a single copy of PI if an address or reference to it is taken (i.e. not static). inline variables were introduced in C++17 to allow for header-only libraries with non-const variable definitions in the header files. constexpr on static data members implies inline, so inline is unnecessary there.

In other words, you should use constexpr for your constants in header files, if possible, otherwise const. And if you require the address of that constant to be the same everywhere mark it as inline.

Solution 2

In C++17 you are clear. In C++11, you can wrap it in a function:

constexpr double PI () { return 3.14; }

Solution 3

C++17 inline variable runnable example

C++17 inline variables were mentioned at: use of constexpr in header file and here is a minimal runnable example that shows that only a single memory location is used:


#include <cassert>

#include "notmain.hpp"

int main() {
    // Both files see the same memory address.
    assert(&notmain_i == notmain_func());
    assert(notmain_i == 42);



inline constexpr int notmain_i = 42;

const int* notmain_func();



#include "notmain.hpp"

const int* notmain_func() {
    return &notmain_i;

Compile and run:

g++ -c -o notmain.o -std=c++17 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic notmain.cpp
g++ -c -o main.o -std=c++17 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic main.cpp
g++ -o main -std=c++17 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic main.o notmain.o

GitHub upstream.

The C++ standard guarantees that the addresses will be the same. C++17 N4659 standard draft 10.1.6 "The inline specifier":

6 An inline function or variable with external linkage shall have the same address in all translation units.

cppreference explains that if static is not given, then it has external linkage.

See also: How to declare constexpr extern?

Tested in GCC 7.4.0, Ubuntu 18.04.

C++20 std::math::pi

Note that for the specific case of Pi, C++20 offers a dedicated variable template as shown at: How to use the PI constant in C++

Author by


Updated on July 09, 2022


  • mans
    mans almost 2 years

    I can have a definition like this in a header file?

     constexpr double PI=3.14;

    Is there any problem in having this in a header file that would be included to several cpp files?

    I am worried that since it says in standard that this constexpr has its own memory, putting it in header, and adding header to several cpp files, generate multiple copies of the same value in memory and some other nasty problems.

    I am using C++11

  • Joseph D.
    Joseph D. almost 6 years
    would there be an ODR issue when it's not inline?
  • johnco3
    johnco3 over 5 years
    @MaximEgorushkin I'm a little confused with the global namespace thing, so if I have a header file foo.h with #pragma once and I have a constexpr auto gFOO = 768; in that header, In order for there to be only 1 address of this variable shared across all translation units - do I need to prefix it with inline for c++17?
  • Maxim Egorushkin
    Maxim Egorushkin over 5 years
    @johnco3 Correct, inline is needed for that.
  • wardw
    wardw over 5 years
    @MaximEgorushkin For C++17, if you do make PI both constexpr and inline does this require a single copy? i.e. if no address is ever taken in any translation unit, that the object may never be created (but if an address is taken, we're guaranteed only one copy)?
  • Maxim Egorushkin
    Maxim Egorushkin over 5 years
    @wardw Only inline variables with external linkage must have the same address. constexpr implies internal linkage.
  • wardw
    wardw over 5 years
    To correct my own comment, I now realise constexpr is implicitly inline (and at global/namespace scope, since const, implicitly static). But at some point i'd be interested to know wether a static variable must require static storage even if it's never used in a runtime context, e.g. a static constexpr that's only used as a value at compile-time. In other-words, wether the optimiser is able to elide the static storage (?)
  • Ciro Santilli
    Ciro Santilli over 4 years
    Note that in C++ constexpr without inline still generates multiple addresses and takes up multiple memory locations which is not ideal, this can be easily tested by modifying the example I provided to remove inline:
  • KevinZ
    KevinZ over 4 years
    You are right about variables, but constexpr does imply inline for functions. For variables, not having inline can further risk ODR if included from multiple translation units.
  • Maxim Egorushkin
    Maxim Egorushkin almost 4 years
    @wardw Run nm --demangle --defined-only <xyz.o> | fgrep <part-of-symbol-name> and see whether the symbol exists and has non-0 address. If it exists and has non-0 address that means there is a non-inline version of it. May be -Winline could warn about that, but I haven't tried.