Use of SqlParameter in SQL LIKE clause not working


Solution 1

What you want is:

tblCustomerInfo.Info LIKE '%' + @SEARCH + '%'

(or edit the parameter value to include the % in the first place).

Otherwise, you are either (first sample) searching for the literal "@SEARCH" (not the arg-value), or you are embedding some extra quotes into the query (second sample).

In some ways, it might be easier to have the TSQL just use LIKE @SEARCH, and handle it at the caller:

command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SEARCH","%" + searchString + "%");

Either approach should work.

Solution 2

Instead of using:

const string Sql = 
@"select distinct [name] 
  from tblCustomers 
  left outer join tblCustomerInfo on tblCustomers.Id = tblCustomerInfo.CustomerId  
  where (tblCustomer.Name LIKE '%@SEARCH%' OR tblCustomerInfo.Info LIKE '%@SEARCH%');";

Use this code:

const string Sql = 
@"select distinct [name] 
  from tblCustomers 
  left outer join tblCustomerInfo on tblCustomers.Id = tblCustomerInfo.CustomerId  
  where (tblCustomer.Name LIKE '%' + @SEARCH + '%' OR tblCustomerInfo.Info LIKE '%' + @SEARCH + '%');";

Solution 3

Just a little careful with a slight difference between Add and AddWithValue methods. I had the problem below, when I used the Add method and put the wrong SqlType parameter.

  • nchar and nvarchar can store Unicode characters.
  • char and varchar cannot store Unicode characters.

For example:

string query = " ... WHERE stLogin LIKE @LOGIN ";

SqlParameter p = new SqlParameter("@LOGIN", SqlDbType.Char, 255) 
    Value = "%" + login + "%" 

command.Parameters.AddWithValue(p.ParameterName, p.Value); //works fine!!!

command.Parameters.Add(p); // won't work

When I changed the SqlType to NVarChar, the two methods worked fine to me.

SqlParameter p = new SqlParameter("@LOGIN", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 255) 
    Value = "%" + login + "%" 

command.Parameters.AddWithValue(p.ParameterName, p.Value); //worked fine!!!

command.Parameters.Add(p); //worked fine!!!
Author by


Updated on January 04, 2021


  • coder_bro
    coder_bro over 3 years

    I have the following code:

    const string Sql = 
        @"select distinct [name] 
          from tblCustomers 
          left outer join tblCustomerInfo on tblCustomers.Id = tblCustomerInfo.CustomerId  
          where (tblCustomer.Name LIKE '%@SEARCH%' OR tblCustomerInfo.Info LIKE '%@SEARCH%');";
    using (var command = new SqlCommand(Sql, Connection))
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SEARCH", searchString);

    This does not work, I tried this as well:

    const string Sql = 
        @"select distinct [name] 
         from tblCustomers 
         left outer join tblCustomerInfo on tblCustomers.Id = tblCustomerInfo.CustomerId  
         where (tblCustomer.Name LIKE @SEARCH OR tblCustomerInfo.Info LIKE @SEARCH );";
    using (var command = new SqlCommand(Sql, Connection))
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SEARCH", "'%" + searchString + "%'");

    but this does not work as well. What is going wrong? Any suggestions?

  • coder_bro
    coder_bro over 15 years
    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SEARCH","%" + searchString + "%"); Worked, the extra single quotes were the issue as pointed out by you
  • Javid
    Javid over 10 years
    Doing it the second way looks better to me because the final statement will indeed look neat.
  • Ben Pretorius
    Ben Pretorius almost 10 years
    wouldn't this expose an opportunity for sql injection?
  • Matt Miller
    Matt Miller almost 10 years
    This won't work correctly when the searchString contains the characters % _ or [, assuming you want to actually search for one of those charater literals. For a 100% solution, you need to wrap those characters in the searchString in brackets []. The C# code Regex.Replace(searchString, @"([%_\[])", @"[$1]") does the trick.
  • Timothy
    Timothy about 7 years
    This doesn't make any sense to me but it works. Could you explain why?
  • Taran
    Taran almost 7 years
    Yes it would. Or, possibly more likely, someone is going to search for a string including a ' character and it will blow up. Do not do this.
  • Heriberto Lugo
    Heriberto Lugo almost 5 years
    i think the reason the first example didnt work as expected is because you specified the column type. if you use the constructor which takes the parameter name and value, it should work as expected. looking at the source code of AddWithValue, all they do is call the constructor that takes parameter name and value. so: p = new SqlParameter("@LOGIN", "%" + login + "%"); command.Parameters.Add(p);
  • Thabiso Mofokeng
    Thabiso Mofokeng over 4 years
    @MattMiller will just wrapping searchString in square brackets command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SEARCH","%[" + searchString + "]%"); instead of the regex not work?
  • Matt Miller
    Matt Miller over 4 years
    @ThabisoMofokeng No, the brackets are not like quoting (unless it contains a single character). What the brackets do in a SQL LIKE is tell it to match any character within it, so for instance 'a[123]z' matches 'a1z', 'a2z', and 'a3z' but not 'a12z' because the bracketed expression only matches one character. My suggestion to use a regex to wrap each of the special characters in brackets forces the LIKE to match those characters literally.
  • Shajin Chandran
    Shajin Chandran about 4 years
    How to pass multiple like as a SQL parameter for the below case? foreach (var item in username) { whereQuery = string.Format("s.userName LIKE '%|{0}|%' or ", item); }
  • Marc Gravell
    Marc Gravell about 4 years
    you'll need to add a parameter per clause, and build the SQL iteratively
  • Noman_1
    Noman_1 almost 4 years
    (@ needs escape in comments) The @SEARCH parameter is turned into an SQL varchar and then is concatenated with the % chars, finally its compared on the LIKE statement. For ex \@SEARCH the val "Joan", the turns into: tblCustomer.Name LIKE '%' + 'Joan' + '%', note 'Joan' here is completly escaped, -> tblCustomer.Name LIKE '%Joan%'. If the search param would inclue any unexpected characters(% or ', they would get escaped, given \@SEARCH = "%Ji'm". tblCustomer.Name LIKE '%' + '[%]Ji''m' + '%'. => '%[%]Ji''m%' (% is escaped by square braquets and single quote is escaped by doubling it).
  • Misi
    Misi about 3 years
    When using string interpolation you don't even need to escape de single quote: var query = $"SELECT * FROM Customer LIKE '%' + {parameterValue} + '%'"; I recommended first to test in T-SQL with a sql variable: DECLARE @parameterValue VARCHAR(10) = 'Cust'; SELECT * FROM Customer LIKE '%' + @parameterValue + '%'
  • Pierre-Alain Vigeant
    Pierre-Alain Vigeant almost 3 years
    @Misi Using string interpolation here creates a SQL Injection vulnerability. Always use a Sql Parameter.