Use Visual Studio Setup Project to automatically register and GAC a COM Interop DLL


Gacutil.exe won't be available on the target machine. Not a problem, MSI can get the job done. Right-click "File System on Target Machine", Add, GAC. Right-click that added folder, Add, Project Output. That ensures the assembly is gac-ed.

It can also register the assembly like Regasm.exe does. Set the Register property of the project output reference to vsdrpCOM.


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Ben McCormack
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Ben McCormack

Becoming a better version of myself. Website: Twitter: @bmccormack I find great satisfaction in developing solutions that make it easier and simpler for people to do their jobs. I haven't updated by Stack Overflow CV in forever, so check out my LinkedIn page.

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Ben McCormack
    Ben McCormack almost 2 years

    I've created a .NET assembly for COM interop and it is working well on my development machine. I'm currently trying to figure out how to deploy the DLL to a target machine using Visual Studio's "Setup Project." How can I use the VIsual Studio setup project to do the following things:

    • Register the assembly (currently using regasm).
      • The assembly needs to be registered successfully and the type library (.tlb) needs to be registered successfully.
      • This answer suggests scrapping regasm in favor of custom code. I this is a good idea? If so, how does this code get included in the setup project?
      • This answer suggests using the /regfile command of regasm and then using the import tool on the Registry in the Setup Project. Will this work?
    • Install the assembly in the GAC (currently using gacutil)
      • I'm aware of the "Global Assembly Cache Folder" in the "File System on Target Machine." Is there anything special I need to do in including the assembly in the setup project?

    Any other advice or concerns would be much appreciated.

  • Ben McCormack
    Ben McCormack about 14 years
    Will the register property being set to vsdrpCOM automatically create and register the .tlb file as well? If not, how do I include the .tlb in the set up project (it doesn't seem to like being shared in the GAC folder in the setup project)?
  • Ben McCormack
    Ben McCormack about 14 years
    That's a great point. I got so used to typing regasm /tlb... that I just assumed I would need it, but you bring up a great point - the client machine's won't be writing code against these assemblies. Much thanks.
  • Keith
    Keith about 13 years
    To answer Ben's question in his comment, using vsdrpCOM will automatically create and register the .tlb file.
  • rank1
    rank1 about 10 years
    So what You are saying is that just setting register property to vsdrpCOM does exactly the same as the whole long solution in here?… if so, then absolutely brilliant!
  • rank1
    rank1 about 10 years
    To conifrm: to make the Regasm automatic both steps from Hans Passant answer needs to be done.
  • rank1
    rank1 about 10 years
    I got tlb generated only into the Debug folder. What might be the reason? Everything works fine under Debug installer, under release there is no .tlb file generated by installer
  • Ehsan Sajjad
    Ehsan Sajjad over 5 years
    Thanks @Hans, it really saved me today, was unable to figure out why the COM interop dll is not working after making installer.