User input in dialog box


Solution 1

You have two choices for a solution. There are two packages you can pip to get, one is easygui, the other is easygui_qt. easygui is based on tcl, and easygui_qt is based on the qt Window manager and is a little more difficult to set up, but just as simple to use, with a few more options.

All they require to use is to import the package, import easygui, and after that, to get a user response you would use one line...

myvar = easygui.enterbox("What, is your favorite color?")

Google "python easygui" for more detailed info.
You can get easygui from pypi.

Solution 2

I think this is the shortest you'll get without anything external:

To start:

from tkinter import *

Instead of a=input('enter something'):

Label(root, text='enter something').pack()
Entry(root, textvariable=a).pack()
Button(root, text='Ok', command=lambda:DoSomethingWithInput(a.get)).pack()

With a function DoSomethingWithInput(a)

Instead of print('some text'):

Label(root, text='some text').pack()
Button(root, text='Ok', command=DoSomething).pack()

With DoSomething() as what you do next.

Solution 3

Here is a module I created a while ago to manage basic printing and input with GUI. It uses tkinter:

from tkinter import *

def donothing(var=''):

class Interface(Tk):
    def __init__(self, name='Interface', size=None):
        super(interface, self).__init__()
        if size:
        self.frame = Frame(self)

    def gui_print(self, text='This is some text', command=donothing):
        self.frame = Frame(self)
        Label(self.frame, text=text).pack()
        Button(self.frame, text='Ok', command=command).pack()

    def gui_input(self, text='Enter something', command=donothing):
        self.frame = Frame(self)
        Label(self.frame, text=text).pack()
        entry = StringVar(self)
        Entry(self.frame, textvariable=entry).pack()
        Button(self.frame, text='Ok', command=lambda: command(entry.get())).pack()

    def end(self):

    def start(self):

# -- Testing Stuff --

def foo(value):
    global main
    main.gui_print(f'Your name is {value}.', main.end)

def bar():
    global main
    main.gui_input('What is your name?', foo)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    main = interface('Window')

It includes an example of how to use it.

Solution 4

Use turtle. turtle.textinput("title", "prompt")

Here is an example:

from turtle import textinput

name = textinput("Name", "Please enter your name:")

print("Hello", name + "!")
Author by


Updated on June 07, 2021


  • RonyA
    RonyA almost 3 years

    Is there any library available in python for the graphical user entry input. I know about tk but I believe it takes some line of codes to do that. I am looking for the shortest solution.

    a = input('Enter your string here:') 

    In place of this, I want to get a dialogue box so that user can input there.

    This did not serve the purpose. This only shows the dialogue box and you can't provide an input entry.

    import ctypes  # An included library with Python install.   
    ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxW(0, "Your text", "Your title", 1)
  • RonyA
    RonyA almost 6 years
    The problem is that I want to avoid the external libraries , only want to use available with python install due to some valid reason in my environment.
  • RonyA
    RonyA almost 6 years
    Thanks for your efforts. But Instead i can use root= tk.Tk() rootwithdraw() in = simpledialog.askstring("Input", "blba bla" Name",parent=root)
  • RonyA
    RonyA almost 6 years
    As mentioned I do not want to use any external libraries due to some reasons.
  • Artemis
    Artemis almost 6 years
    @RishuA Just copy it into your code, and leave off everything after if __name__=='__main__':
  • RonyA
    RonyA almost 6 years
    I understood your point . My intention for this question was for the shortest solution(shortest code) . Check my Question. However, i really appreciate your effort to write it for me. i'll definetly try it when needed.
  • Artemis
    Artemis almost 6 years
    @RishuA I think the standard tk three lines of code is the best you'll get without anything external. (three lines for input or one for print)
  • RonyA
    RonyA almost 6 years
    Yeah, as of now it seems so.
  • martineau
    martineau almost 6 years
    Saying easygui is based on tcl is a slightly misleading. Internally it uses tkinter which is a standard Python library for interfacing to tk/tcl. @RishuAl: Even if you can't use a third-party library, it would probably be very useful for you to do download easygui and look at its source code (i.e. how the enterbox() function is implemented).
  • RonyA
    RonyA almost 6 years
    Thank you ! Tk am aware. :) You are really putting efforts and I respect that .
  • RonyA
    RonyA almost 6 years
    @martineau Thank You sir . Will definitely have a look to that.
  • martineau
    martineau almost 6 years
    RishuA: You can easily create custom dialog boxes with tkinter. Here's some (dated Python 2) documentation, but it you search online (including this website) you'll probably be able to locate more current information.