Using a cursor with dynamic SQL in a stored procedure


Solution 1

A cursor will only accept a select statement, so if the SQL really needs to be dynamic make the declare cursor part of the statement you are executing. For the below to work your server will have to be using global cursors.

Declare @UserID varchar(100)
declare @sqlstatement nvarchar(4000)
--move declare cursor into sql to be executed
set @sqlstatement = 'Declare  users_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT userId FROM users'

exec sp_executesql @sqlstatement

OPEN users_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM users_cursor
INTO @UserId

Print @UserID
EXEC asp_DoSomethingStoredProc @UserId

FETCH NEXT FROM users_cursor --have to fetch again within loop
INTO @UserId

CLOSE users_cursor
DEALLOCATE users_cursor

If you need to avoid using the global cursors, you could also insert the results of your dynamic SQL into a temporary table, and then use that table to populate your cursor.

Declare @UserID varchar(100)
create table #users (UserID varchar(100))

declare @sqlstatement nvarchar(4000)
set @sqlstatement = 'Insert into #users (userID) SELECT userId FROM users'

declare users_cursor cursor for Select UserId from #Users
OPEN users_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM users_cursor
INTO @UserId


EXEC asp_DoSomethingStoredProc @UserId

FETCH NEXT FROM users_cursor
INTO @UserId

CLOSE users_cursor
DEALLOCATE users_cursor

drop table #users

Solution 2

This code is a very good example for a dynamic column with a cursor, since you cannot use '+' in @STATEMENT:

    DECLARE @query NVARCHAR(4000) = N'' --DATA FILTER
    DECLARE @inputList NVARCHAR(4000) = ''
    DECLARE @field sysname = '' --COLUMN NAME
    DECLARE @my_cur CURSOR
                CASE @field
                    WHEN ''fn'' then fn
                    WHEN ''n_family_name'' then n_family_name
                CASE @field
                    WHEN ''fn'' then fn
                    WHEN ''n_family_name'' then n_family_name
                LIKE ''%''+@query+''%'';
            OPEN @my_cur;',
        N'@field sysname, @query NVARCHAR(4000), @my_cur CURSOR OUTPUT',
        @field = @field,
        @query = @query,
        @my_cur = @my_cur OUTPUT
    FETCH NEXT FROM @my_cur INTO @inputList
        PRINT @inputList
        FETCH NEXT FROM @my_cur INTO @inputList

Solution 3

Working with a non-relational database (IDMS anyone?) over an ODBC connection qualifies as one of those times where cursors and dynamic SQL seems the only route.

select * from a where a=1 and b in (1,2)

takes 45 minutes to respond while re-written to use keysets without the in clause will run in under 1 second:

select * from a where (a=1 and b=1)
union all
select * from a where (a=1 and b=2)

If the in statement for column B contains 1145 rows, using a cursor to create indidivudal statements and execute them as dynamic SQL is far faster than using the in clause. Silly hey?

And yes, there's no time in a relational database that cursor's should be used. I just can't believe I've come across an instance where a cursor loop is several magnitudes quicker.

Solution 4

There is another example which I would like to share with you

Solution 5

First off, avoid using a cursor if at all possible. Here are some resources for rooting it out when it seems you can't do without:

There Must Be 15 Ways To Lose Your Cursors... part 1, Introduction

Row-By-Row Processing Without Cursor

That said, though, you may be stuck with one after all--I don't know enough from your question to be sure that either of those apply. If that's the case, you've got a different problem--the select statement for your cursor must be an actual SELECT statement, not an EXECUTE statement. You're stuck.

But see the answer from cmsjr (which came in while I was writing) about using a temp table. I'd avoid global cursors even more than "plain" ones....

Author by


Updated on May 10, 2020


  • Micah
    Micah about 4 years

    I have a dynamic SQL statement I've created in a stored procedure. I need to iterate over the results using a cursor. I'm having a hard time figuring out the right syntax. Here's what I'm doing.

    SELECT @SQLStatement = 'SELECT userId FROM users'
    DECLARE @UserId
    DECLARE users_cursor CURSOR FOR
    EXECUTE @SQLStatment --Fails here. Doesn't like this
    OPEN users_cursor
    FETCH NEXT FROM users_cursor
    INTO @UserId
    EXEC asp_DoSomethingStoredProc @UserId
    CLOSE users_cursor
    DEALLOCATE users_cursor

    What's the right way to do this?

  • marc_s
    marc_s about 15 years
    avoid cursors - they're EVIL ! :-)
  • cmsjr
    cmsjr about 15 years
    Cursors are not evil. Resource intensive and inadvisable for use in production scenarios, sure. Evil no. Just because something can be used incorrectly does not mean that you should not know how to use it. Maybe I misread the question, but it seemed to be asking about how to use a cursor, not the pros and cons for their usage.
  • RolandTumble
    RolandTumble about 15 years
    I'm going with evil.... Yes, the OP asked about how to use a cursor. He also asked about "...the right way to do this." The responsible answer is to give information on how to accomplish the end result without a cursor--it's (almost) always possible to do so.
  • quillbreaker
    quillbreaker over 13 years
    This gives me the power to write code that is completely incomprehensible! Variables declared in dynamically generated SQL used in non-dynaimic sql farther down the execution path! I love it!
  • tjmoore
    tjmoore over 11 years
    Just an FYI - Both those articles require you to register to view now.
  • tjmoore
    tjmoore over 11 years
    Cursors and likewise dynamic SQL are a necessary evil at limited times but only where underlying database design has forced them to be used. Good design should never result in anything you can't do set based and should never involve dynamic schema.
  • Zar Shardan
    Zar Shardan over 11 years
    Both cursors and dynamic SQL should be used when they are the right tools for the job. For example cursors are suitable for the RunningTotal type of jobs where they provide linear performance as opposed to exponential for most (if not all) portable set-based versions.
  • Zar Shardan
    Zar Shardan over 11 years
    The 2nd example is really bad. He creates a stored procedure and a trigger just to avoid using cursors. I doubt that his approach is better/more performant than just a simple forward cursor.
  • Dale
    Dale almost 11 years
    This works for me, and avoids global cursors and temporary tables. Thanks
  • Ian Campbell
    Ian Campbell over 9 years
    Perfect, very useful thanks!. As a note, it seems that the cursor must also be opened within the dynamic sql -- SQL Server seems to think the cursor is not initialized, and was throwing an error for me if done after the dynamic stuff.
  • Tsahi Asher
    Tsahi Asher about 9 years
    I can't see how concatenating @query into the sql is going to work here. I think you're going to get LIKE '%'xx'%';, assuming @query is set to 'xx', which is invalid sql. and the docs for SP_EXECUTESQL state: "@stmt must be either a Unicode constant or a Unicode variable.", meaning you can't build the string and execute it immediately without a temporary variable.
  • Cruachan
    Cruachan about 9 years
    There are very few code constructs that are intrinsically evil (I'm looking at you COBOL, rewritable code is evil), and cursors are not one of them. Sure beginners may be tempted to reach for them because they don't understand handling sets in SQL, but sometimes they are life saving - I've developed several SSRS reports you couldn't possibly handle any other way
  • Mr.J
    Mr.J over 6 years
    I thank you from 2017! Had me digging around so much for this answer.
  • tone
    tone almost 6 years
    Cursors are not always bad. Greg low wrote an article a few years back that demonstrated that cursors were great for preventing blocking when manipulating data in large tables. Do a large update, get blocking, use cursors, row locking only. Here's that article:
  • Jimbo
    Jimbo over 5 years
    For 20 years I've prided myself on finding ways to avoid using cursors in situations where it intuitively seems like the best approach. But there are still cases where it is necessary. Right now I am tasked with building dynamic data migration scripts. My first attempt at inserting to the production table from staging involves no cursor. Just a set-based insert statement. But that whole thing will fail if any individual record cannot be inserted. So on failure I kick off a process of inserting the lines individual so we can load as much as possible. Tell me how to do that without a cursor
  • volkerk
    volkerk over 5 years
    It is not correct that you need to rely on global cursors, as the answer by SMHMayboudi clearly shows. Therefore this one should not have so many upvotes - it is misinformation.
  • volkerk
    volkerk over 5 years
    Would be even more useful if it explained why the OPEN CURSOR statement needs to be inside the dynamic SQL, where one would not expect to have to put it.
  • cmsjr
    cmsjr over 5 years
    I would say it is not misinformation, the code I supplied does required global cursors to be enabled, that is not the same as saying that it is necessary to use global cursors to solve this problem.
  • Subbu
    Subbu over 4 years
    Thank you for referencing Erland Sommarskog. His posts are very insightful