Using an SQL View from an Entity Framework Code First version 5


Solution 1

Found a simple solution to question 1:

public class ContactLogSummary
    public int ContactLogEntryID { get; set; }
    public int MaternalCaseID { get; set; }
    public String ContactName { get; set; }
    public String OfficeUser { get; set; }
    public DateTime DateAndTimeOfContact { get; set; }
    public String Category { get; set; }
    public String ContactDetails { get; set; }

    public static List<ContactLogSummary> LoadContactListSummary
                                             (int caseID, String connectionString);
        MyDataContext dbContext = new MyDataContext(connectionString);
        return dbContext.Database.SqlQuery<ContactLogSummary>
               ("SELECT * FROM dbo.ContactLogSummaries WHERE MaternalCaseID = @CaseID ORDER BY ContactLogEntryID DESC",
                                     new SqlParameter("CaseID", caseID)).ToList();

It does all that's required so, although I'm interest in an answer to question 2 I have a working solution.

Solution 2

You can just map the Entity directly to the view using TableAttribute (data annoations), or ToTable in your Fluent Mappings...

For example using data annotions:

using System;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema;

public namespace whatever.mynamespace

    [Table("dbo.ContactLogSummaries")] //<-- this is your view
    public class ContactLogSummary
Peter Smith
Author by

Peter Smith

I am enjoying the challenge that there is so much more to learn out there and and am currently learning and using C#, MVC and Entity framework and ...

Updated on March 29, 2020


  • Peter Smith
    Peter Smith about 4 years

    I am developing a contact log in a website using VS 2010, MVC3 and EF 5 - the entities are created using code first. The data is stored in an SQL Server 2008 R2 set of databases. I want to display a summary of the contact log and have created a view.

    CREATE VIEW dbo.ContactLogSummaries
        'Test' AS ContactName,
        EU.UserName As OfficeUser,
        ContactLogEntries AS CLE
        ContactLogCategories AS CLC
        ON CLE.ContactLogCategoryID = CLC.ContactLogCategoryID
        Control.dbo.EndUsers AS EU
        ON CLE.UserID = EU.EnduserID

    There are two entities in the Contact Log database (ContactLogEntries and ContactLogCategories) and a database first entity Control.dbo.EndUsers in another database. The contact log could contain a large number of records. I want to be able to display just the records for a specific case.

    My question is in two parts:

    1. Can I use the SQL view directly to display a summary on a web page (perhaps by reading it into a class)
    2. Can I create a code first object equivalent to the SQL view.
  • myhrmans
    myhrmans over 8 years
    Nothing says SQL Injection like string concatenation!
  • Peter Smith
    Peter Smith over 8 years
    No SQL Injection here. One - this is an illustrative example; two, CaseID is not returned from the website. Can I have my plus one back please?
  • myhrmans
    myhrmans over 8 years
    Peter - I can understand that this code is illustrative in nature, but, there's no way that a reader could know whether or not CaseID comes from something that is either posted to a form (e.g. and edit, or comes in from a query string). I'll put your plus back if you parameterize the string. It will make your code a little longer, but, it will be a solid example for the community. It will also allow SQL Server to create an execution plan for this query for subsequent reuse.
  • Peter Smith
    Peter Smith over 8 years
    @SwampyFox OK, finally got round to adding a parameter to the query. (Can I have my plus back please?)
  • Monojit Sarkar
    Monojit Sarkar over 7 years
    if i have multiple parameter then how could i pass ? can i pass like ("SELECT * FROM dbo.ContactLogSummaries WHERE MaternalCaseID = @CaseID ORDER BY ContactLogEntryID DESC", new SqlParameter("CaseID", caseID), new SqlParameter("TestID", TestID)).ToList(); can i pass param separated by comma?
  • Peter Smith
    Peter Smith over 7 years
    @MonojitSarkar You should ask this as a separate question. Looking quickly at your example, I think what you need is alist of parameters rather than using comma separated items.
  • Laurence
    Laurence over 7 years
    @MonojitSarkar You should add parameters in the way Entity Framework does: @p0, @p1 etc. You can use the params overload: dbContext.Database.SqlQuery<ContactLogSummary>("SELECT * FROM dbo.ContactLogSummaries WHERE MaternalCaseID = @p0 AND TestID = @p1 ORDER BY ContactLogEntryID DESC", caseId, testId)