using arrays & methods with Object Oriented Programing Java


if (bikeRace[i] > bikeRace[0])

change to

if (bikeRace[i].getSpeed() > bikeRace[0].getSpeed())

Reasoning: You cannot numerically compare non-numerical objects.

George Putnam
Author by

George Putnam

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • George Putnam
    George Putnam almost 2 years

    I am learning Java, with that being said, my knowledge is still in the crawling phase of learning java. I have read about using objects in arrays which is very powerful. I am trying to edit this simple example class and test class to show who is the fastest driver, and what is the fastest speed. There are two ways I was thinking on how to solve this. One was find the maximum speed, and find what array number (e.g. array[2]).

    I have managed to capture the highest speed in a loop, and the array number. putting it into a method, and then calling it is giving confusing me big time. Any help is much appreciated.

    error code I am getting error: bad operand types for binary operator '>'
    if (bikeRace[i] > bikeRace[0])
    first type: Bike
    second type: Bike
    1 error

    Tool completed with exit code 1
    They are both Bike classes, I don't get it.

    public class Bike{
    private String driver;
    private int gear;
    private int cadence;
    private int speed;
    private int id;
    private static int numberOfBikes = 0;
    public Bike(String theDriver, int startGear,int startCadence, int startSpeed){
        driver = theDriver;
        gear = startGear;
        cadence = startCadence;
        speed = startSpeed;
        id = numberOfBikes;
    public String getDriver() {return driver;}
    public void setDriver(String d) {driver = d;}
    public int getGear(){return gear;}
    public void setGear(int g){gear = g;}
    public int getCadence(){return cadence;}
    public void setCadence(int c){cadence = c;}
    public int getSpeed(){return speed;}
    public void setSpeed(int s) {speed = s;}
    public int getID() {return id;}
    public static int getNumberOfBikes() {return numberOfBikes;}
    // method to print out contents of object
    public String toString ()
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        sb.append("\nDriver: " + driver);
        sb.append("\nGear: " + gear);
        sb.append("\nCadence: " + cadence);
        sb.append("\nSpeed: " + speed);
        sb.append("\nID: " + id + "\n");
        return (new String(sb));
    } // end toString method
    } // end class

    main test bike

    import java.util.Scanner;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    class TestBike
    public static void main(String[] args)
        String message ="";
        Bike[] bikeRace = new Bike[10];
        bikeRace[0] = new Bike("Cersei Lannister", 0, 0, 0);
        bikeRace[1] = new Bike("Daenerys Targaryen", 10, 60, 22);
        bikeRace[2] = new Bike("Robb Stark", 21, 50, 15);
        //testing values
        //bikeRace[3] = new Bike("Melisandre", 31,90,155);
        //bikeRace[4] = new Bike("Margaery Tyrell", 2, 3, 100);
        for(int i=0; i < Bike.getNumberOfBikes(); i++)
            //testing, must use a proper function call!
        } // end for loop
        //find max speed & driver findTheFastestDriver
        //testing stuffs get all drivers
        /*for(int i=0; i < Bike.getNumberOfBikes(); i++)
            System.out.println("Driver: " + bikeRace[i].getDriver());
        //testing get all speeds
        for(int i=0; i <Bike.getNumberOfBikes(); i++)
            System.out.println("Speed: " + bikeRace[i].getSpeed());
        } */
        //finding fastest bike without a method
        //fastest speed is 22
        /*int fastestBike = bikeRace[0].getSpeed();
        int fastestBikeIndex = 0;
        for(int i=0; i<Bike.getNumberOfBikes(); i++)
            if (bikeRace[i].getSpeed() >= fastestBike)
                fastestBike = bikeRace[i].getSpeed();
                fastestBikeIndex = i;
            }//end if
        }//end for
        System.out.println("fastest Bike Speed: " + fastestBike + " " + " Bike index of " + fastestBikeIndex);*/
        int fastestBikeIndex = findTheFastestDriver(bikeRace);
        System.out.println("\nThe fastest driver is " + bikeRace[fastestBikeIndex].getDriver() + " and the speed of " + bikeRace[fastestBikeIndex].getSpeed() + " mph.");
        System.out.println("\nNumber of Bikes: " + Bike.getNumberOfBikes() + "\n");
    } //end of main
    public static int findTheFastestDriver(Bike[] bikeRace)
        int fastestBike = bikeRace[0].getSpeed();
        int fastestBikeIndex = 0;
        for(int i=0; i < Bike.getNumberOfBikes(); i++)
            if (bikeRace[i].getSpeed() >= fastestBike)
                fastestBike = bikeRace[i].getSpeed();
                fastestBikeIndex = i;
            }//end if
        }//end for
        return fastestBikeIndex;
    } //end of class

    code works :) so happy.

  • Tim Bender
    Tim Bender about 11 years
    In Java, you should implement Comparable and use the compareTo method to establish a natural ordering for sorting/comparing.
  • Patashu
    Patashu about 11 years
    @Tim Bender's idea is good if (and only if) your objects have a natural ordering
  • George Putnam
    George Putnam about 11 years
    thank you for the tip. So when calling the method back. int bikeIndex = findTheFastestDriver(bikeRace) System.out.print("The fastest driver " +bikeRace.getDriver[bikeIndex] + " and is going " + bikeRace.getSpeed[bikeIndex] + " mph."); Still the method call is not correct.
  • Ted Hopp
    Ted Hopp about 11 years
    @TimBender - That's certainly one approach, but "should" is the the wrong word. It's not at all clear that Bike objects have a natural ordering. Even if they did, it's not clear that it should be based on speed. Why not on id, or on the lexical order of driver?
  • George Putnam
    George Putnam about 11 years
    I never thought of that Tim. I figured since I am looking for the fastest driver, look for the highest speed first. let me take a look again at the code.
  • George Putnam
    George Putnam about 11 years
    Thank very much for the explanations. I found the explanations very helpful. I need to practice more on methods, arrays, and objects to understand them more. practice makes perfect.
  • George Putnam
    George Putnam about 11 years
    TimBender, wow on compareTo method. I didn't know about this tool, and reading more up on this subject. very cool, and very powerful. makes this a bit more simple. Will play around with this tomorrow.
  • Patashu
    Patashu about 11 years
    @George Putnam Another tool you should look into is Comparator. If a class doesn't have a single natural sort, you can define a Comparator for it and pass it to operations that expect one, such as sorting and making a PriorityQueue