Using AutoHotkey to click a button within a window


I needed to do two things to get this to work.

First, including the word "ClassNN" in the first ControlClick parameter was wrong, despite several examples I found that used that. The parameter can be the button's text (Change...), the beginning of the text (Change), or its ClassNN (Button8), but not "ClassNN Button8". Everything after that is unnecessary, and works fine with the default values. I'm currently just using "ControlClick, Change..." as the entire line, although it might be wiser to explicitly specify the WinTitle as well (either "PuTTY Reconfiguration" or "ahk_class PuTTYConfigBox" works).

Second, as MCL pointed out, I needed "WinWait, PuTTY Reconfiguration" before the ControlClick command. I'm not entirely clear why, but it works.

Here's my final, working code, with F9 switching to ProggyCleanTT 12 point, and F10 switching to Lucida Console 20 point:

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
#SingleInstance force  ; Lets the RunMe plugin for Notepad++ reload the script with Shift-F5.

; This will only work for PuTTY sessions in which, under Window/Behavior, you have checked
; "System menu appears on ALT-Space". Don't forget to save the change.

#IfWinActive ahk_class PuTTY
  F9::ChangePuttyFont("ProggyCleanTT", 12)
  F10::ChangePuttyFont("Lucida Console", 20)

ChangePuttyFont(font, size)
  Send !{Space}               ; open the system menu
  Send g                      ; open Change Settings
  Send !g                     ; select the Category menu
  Send Window                 ; select the Window category
  Send {Right}                ; expand the category
  Send Appearance             ; select the Appearance subcategory
  WinWait, PuTTY Reconfiguration  ; This is necessary for some reason
  ControlClick, Change...     ; click the "Change..." button (under Font Settings)
  Send %font%                 ; select font
  Send !s                     ; select size field
  Send %size%                 ; select size
  Send {Enter}                ; close font window
  SEND !a                     ; close settings window

It does odd things if you don't wait a moment between pressing the hotkey and further input, and it could probably have more robust navigation, but it works.

Author by


Updated on June 26, 2022


  • Robert
    Robert almost 2 years

    I want to make an AutoHotkey script to change the font in the PuTTY SSH client. (I prefer a small font for high information density, but when I'm showing something to a coworker, they need to be able to see it clearly.) I've gotten this far:

    #NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
    SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
    SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
    #SingleInstance force  ; Lets the RunMe plugin for Notepad++ reload the script with Shift-F5.
    #IfWinActive ahk_class PuTTY    ; If PuTTY is active
      ^+1::                         ; and Ctrl-Shift-1 is pressed
        Send !{Space}               ; Alt-Space to open the system menu
        Send g                      ; open Change Settings
        Send !g                     ; select the Category menu
        Send w                      ; select the Window category
        Send {Right}                ; expand the category
        Send a                      ; select the Appearance subcategory
        ControlClick, ClassNN Button8, ahk_class PuTTYConfigBox, , Left, 1

    When run from a PuTTY terminal window, everything up through "Send a" navigates the PuTTY menus as expected, bringing me to the Appearance subcategory. At this point I want to click the "Change..." button to set the font. I'd prefer not to send a bunch of tabs or specify a screen coordinate to select the button; as that seems kludgey and likely to break with future updates. I can't get ControlClick to work, though. The line I used above is my best guess after a couple hours of research, and I can't see why it does nothing.

    Here's the Window Spy output when I'm hovering over the button:

    >>>>>>>>>>( Window Title & Class )<<<<<<<<<<<
    PuTTY Reconfiguration
    ahk_class PuTTYConfigBox
    >>>>>>>>>>>>( Mouse Position )<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    On Screen:  1051, 207  (less often used)
    In Active Window:   432, 202
    >>>>>>>>>( Now Under Mouse Cursor )<<<<<<<<
    ClassNN:    Button8
    Text:   Change...
    Color:  0xF0F0F0  (Blue=F0 Green=F0 Red=F0)
    >>>>>>>>>>( Active Window Position )<<<<<<<<<<
    left: 619     top: 5     width: 456     height: 438
    >>>>>>>>>>>( Status Bar Text )<<<<<<<<<<
    >>>>>>>>>>>( Visible Window Text )<<<<<<<<<<<
    Cursor appearance:
    &Vertical line
    Cursor &blinks
    Adjust the use of the cursor
    Fo&nt used in the terminal window
    Font: Lucida Console, 24-point
    Allow selection of variable-pitch fonts
    Font &quality:
    Font settings
    Hide mouse &pointer when typing in window
    Adjust the use of the mouse pointer
    Gap b&etween text and window edge:
    &Sunken-edge border (slightly thicker)
    Adjust the window border
    >>>>>>>>>>>( Hidden Window Text )<<<<<<<<<<<
    >>>>( TitleMatchMode=slow Visible Text )<<<<
    >>>>( TitleMatchMode=slow Hidden Text )<<<<

    Thanks for your help.