Using Awk to remove whitespace


Solution 1

If you wish to remove leading space from all fields and keep the space in between the Names and Job title fields then you can do something like this -

awk -F";" -v OFS=";" '{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) gsub (/^ */,"",$i);print}' INPUT_FILE


[jaypal:~/Temp] cat file
Firstname LastName; 123-4567; Job Title
    Firstname LastName;   123-4567;      Job Title
Firstname LastName;      123-4567; Job Title

[jaypal:~/Temp] awk -F";" -v OFS=";" '{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) gsub (/^ */,"",$i);print}' file
Firstname LastName;123-4567;Job Title
Firstname LastName;123-4567;Job Title
Firstname LastName;123-4567;Job Title

Solution 2

This can be done far more easily with sed:

sed 's/^ *//; s/; */;/g'

This assumes that all of your whitespace is just space characters. To include all whitespace characters, look at POSIX character classes, viz:

sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//; s/;[[:space:]]*/;/g'

Demo (on OSX):

% echo 'Firstname LastName; 123-4567; Job Title
    Firstname LastName;   123-4567;      Job Title
Firstname LastName;      123-4567; Job Title' | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//; s/;[[:space:]]*/;/g'
Firstname LastName;123-4567;Job Title
Firstname LastName;123-4567;Job Title
Firstname LastName;123-4567;Job Title

If your version of sed doesn't support separating statements with semicolons, you can issue separate commands using -e:

% echo 'Firstname LastName; 123-4567; Job Title
    Firstname LastName;   123-4567;      Job Title
Firstname LastName;      123-4567; Job Title' | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/;[[:space:]]*/;/g'
Firstname LastName;123-4567;Job Title
Firstname LastName;123-4567;Job Title
Firstname LastName;123-4567;Job Title

Solution 3

Simply execute a gsub on your field number, such as in:

gsub (/^ */, "", $1);

This will substitute all leading spaces with nothing, while leaving all other spaces intact. The gsub function does a global substitution of a given pattern with a new value on a specified variable.

In this case, the pattern is ^ *, meaning the start of string followed by zero or more spaces. The replacement pattern is an empty string, and the variable being operated on is the first field in the row, $1.

The following transcript shows this in action, for all columns in the row, controlled by the i variable. NF is the number of fields in the current row and $i refers to the field at position i.

$ cat file | awk -F\; -vOFS=\; '{
    for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
        gsub (/^ */, "", $i);
Firstname LastName;123-4567;Job Title
Firstname LastName;123-4567;Job Title
Firstname LastName;123-4567;Job Title

Solution 4

many ways could achieve your goal.

just add one more for fun:

awk -v OFS=";" -F'; *' '{gsub(/^ */,"")}$1=$1' file

even shorter:

awk -v OFS=";" -F'; *' 'gsub(/^ */,"", $1)' file


kent$  echo "Firstname LastName; 123-4567; Job Title
    Firstname LastName;   123-4567;      Job Title
Firstname LastName;      123-4567; Job Title
"|awk -v OFS=";" -F'; *' '{gsub(/^ */,"")}$1=$1'
Firstname LastName;123-4567;Job Title
Firstname LastName;123-4567;Job Title
Firstname LastName;123-4567;Job Title

kent$  echo "Firstname LastName; 123-4567; Job Title
    Firstname LastName;   123-4567;      Job Title
Firstname LastName;      123-4567; Job Title
"|awk -v OFS=";" -F'; *' 'gsub(/^ */,"",$1)'
Firstname LastName;123-4567;Job Title
Firstname LastName;123-4567;Job Title
Firstname LastName;123-4567;Job Title
RJ DeVries
Author by

RJ DeVries

I currently work as a Database Administrator in the financial industry. My experience is mainly in administrating and automating the Microsoft stack – IIS, Windows Server, SQL Server, Powershell. I enjoy automating tasks and combining T-SQL and Powershell together into useful tools.

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • RJ DeVries
    RJ DeVries about 2 years

    I have a file in the form of:

    Firstname LastName; 123-4567; Job Title
        Firstname LastName;   123-4567;      Job Title
    Firstname LastName;      123-4567; Job Title

    I am trying to use awk to parse the file into a form readable by makedbm (to make a custom NIS map). Field separator is a semicolon. I need to be able to remove all leading whitespace from each field on each line, but leave the spaces in the name field and the title field. Thanks.

  • lhf
    lhf over 12 years
    The OP said explicity that he wants to "remove all leading whitespace from each field on each line".
  • paxdiablo
    paxdiablo over 12 years
    @lhf, my misunderstanding, I thought columns 1 and 3 were to be left totally untouched. On re-reading, you're right, it's only the non-leading spaces that should be left alone - modified to suit.
  • paxdiablo
    paxdiablo over 12 years
    But now it looks a lot more like Jaypal's answer so I'll probablt delete it in a while.
  • jaypal singh
    jaypal singh over 12 years
    @paxdiable LOL … and I looked at your answer and thought may be I misunderstood his question and posted a second option to remove leading space only from second column. :)