Using Comparator to order ArrayList Java


Solution 1

From the error message it looks like you forgot to declare your comparator as implementing the interface:

public class AppointmentComparator implements Comparator<Appointment> {}

It needs to have the implements part, not just contain the method.

Solution 2

Also we can use inner class for some cases:

public int indexOfLargest(ArrayList<QuakeEntry> Data) {
    Comparator<QuakeEntry> cmtr = new Comparator<QuakeEntry>() {
        public int compare(QuakeEntry t, QuakeEntry t1) {
            if (t.getMagnitude() < t1.getMagnitude())
                return -1;
            if (t.getMagnitude() == t1.getMagnitude()) 
                return 1;
            if (t1.getMagnitude() > t1.getMagnitude())
                return 0;
        return 1;

    QuakeEntry max = Collections.max(Data, cmtr);
    int maxIndex = Data.indexOf(max);
    System.out.println("ArrayList sorted by Magnitude using inner class with Comparator");
    Collections.sort(Data, cmtr);
    for (QuakeEntry qe : Data) {

    return maxIndex;

code for all classes:

Solution 3

You need to cast your new AppointmentComparator

Collections.sort(book, new (Comparator)AppointmentComparator());
Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • shaanIQ
    shaanIQ about 2 years

    I have to order Appointments by date and time. I have an ArrayList of Appointments and have tried to create a comparator to compare their dates and times. I am trying to use the Collections.sort method, passing it the ArrayList of Appointments and the AppointmentComparator I have created. When compiling I get a "No suitable method for sort." Here's a link to the full error message generated by the compiler :


    public class AppointmentComparator implements Comparator<Appointment>
    public int compare(Appointment a, Appointment b)
        if (a.getDay() < b.getDay())
            return -1;
        if (a.getDay() == b.getDay())
            if (a.getStart() < b.getStart())
                return -1;
            if (a.getStart() > b.getStart())
                return 1;
            return 0;
        return 1;

    Line with syntax error:

    Collections.sort(book, new AppointmentComparator());

    variable book is an ArrayList of Appointments. ArrayList<Appointment>

    AppointmentBook class:

    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Collections;
    public class AppointmentBook
    private ArrayList<Appointment> book;
    public AppointmentBook()
        book = new ArrayList<Appointment>();
    public void addAppointment(Appointment appt)
        Collections.sort(book, new AppointmentComparator());
    public String printAppointments(int day)
        String list = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < book.size(); i++)
            if (book.get(i).getDay() == day)
                list = list + "Appointment description: " + book.get(i).getDescription() + "\n" + "Date of Appointment: " +
                book.get(i).getDay() + "\n" + "Time: " + book.get(i).getStart() + " - " + book.get(i).getEnd() + "\n" + "\n";
        return list;

    Appointment class:

    public class Appointment
    private String desc;
    private int day; //in format mmddyyyy
    private int start; //in format hhmm
    private int end; //in format hhmm
    public Appointment(String description, int aptDay, int startTime, int endTime)
        desc = description;
        day = aptDay;
        start = startTime;
        end = endTime;
    public String getDescription()
        return desc;
    public int getDay()
        return day;
    public int getStart()
        return start;
    public int getEnd()
        return end;
