Using conditional statements inside 'expect'


Solution 1

Have to recomment the Exploring Expect book for all expect programmers -- invaluable.

I've rewritten your code: (untested)

proc login {user pass} {
    expect "login:"
    send "$user\r"
    expect "password:"
    send "$pass\r"

set username spongebob 
set passwords {squarepants rhombuspants}
set index 0

spawn telnet
login $username [lindex $passwords $index]
expect {
    "login incorrect" {
        send_user "failed with $username:[lindex $passwords $index]\n"
        incr index
        if {$index == [llength $passwords]} {
            error "ran out of possible passwords"
        login $username [lindex $passwords $index]
send_user "success!\n"
# ...

exp_continue loops back to the beginning of the expect block -- it's like a "redo" statement.

Note that send_user ends with \n not \r

You don't have to escape the > character in your prompt: it's not special for Tcl.

Solution 2

With a bit of bashing I found a solution. Turns out that expect uses a TCL syntax that I'm not at all familiar with:

set pass(0) "squarepants"
set pass(1) "rhombuspants"
set pass(2) "trapezoidpants"
set count 0
set prompt "> "
spawn telnet
expect {
  "$prompt" {
    send_user "successfully logged in!\r"
  "password:" {
    send "$pass($count)\r"
  "login incorrect" {
    incr count
  "username:" {
    send "spongebob\r"
send "command1\r"
expect "$prompt"
send "command2\r"
expect "$prompt"
send "exit\r"
expect eof

Hopefully this will be useful to others.

Author by


Updated on October 09, 2020


  • shuckster
    shuckster over 3 years

    I need to automate logging into a TELNET session using expect, but I need to take care of multiple passwords for the same username.

    Here's the flow I need to create:

    1. Open TELNET session to an IP
    2. Send user-name
    3. Send password
    4. Wrong password? Send the same user-name again, then a different password
    5. Should have successfully logged-in at this point...

    For what it's worth, here's what I've got so far:

    spawn telnet
    expect "login:"
    send "spongebob\r"
    expect "password:"
    send "squarepants\r"
    expect "login incorrect" {
      expect "login:"
      send "spongebob\r"
      expect "password:"
      send "rhombuspants\r"
    expect "prompt\>" {
      send_user "success!\r"
    send "blah...blah...blah\r"

    Needless to say this doesn't work, and nor does it look very pretty. From my adventures with Google expect seems to be something of a dark-art. Thanks in advance to anyone for assistance in the matter!