Using external js file in angular 6 component


Solution 1

I made a demo: , like so:


function testa() {}
testa.prototype.testMethod = function testMethod() {
var testmodule = new testa();

export { testmodule };

And in the main.ts

import { enableProdMode } from "@angular/core";
import { platformBrowserDynamic } from "@angular/platform-browser-dynamic";

import { AppModule } from "./app/app.module";
import { environment } from "./environments/environment";

import { testmodule } from "./testfile";


if (environment.production) {

  .catch(err => console.log(err));

You can see on the console tab the 'hello' text

Note that I made some changes in the testfile.js

Solution 2

Give Reference to your scripts inside the angular-cli.json file.

"scripts": [

then add in typings.d.ts

declare var testModule : any;

Import it where you want to use it

import * as myModule from 'testModule';

Solution 3

You can import your external JS in angular.json

"scripts": [

If you want to import JS file for the specific html component then you can import your js file in your yourComponent.ts

Just Like:

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import "../../../assets/js/counter";

You can see here I have imported counter.js in the specific HTML page.

In this line "../../../assets/js/counter" counter is a js file name. You have no need to add .js after the file name.

Please make sure you set your path carefully ../../..

You can store your all external js files in assets/js folder. And then you can import your specific js file in specific component.ts.

This is working perfectly for me in angular 6.

Author by


Updated on June 08, 2022


  • shrekDeep
    shrekDeep almost 2 years

    I am trying to use a js file into my angular 6 application. Steps I followed are as follows:

    1. Created testfile.js file:

    var testa = function () {
       function testMethod() {
    var testmodule = new testa();
    module.exports = testmodule;

    2. In angular.cli.json. For testing purpose tesfile.js is at the same location as angular.cli.json is:

     "scripts": [

    3. In typings.d.ts file, declared it:

    declare var testmodule: any;

    4. In ts file, tried to use it as:

     public ngOnInit() {

    But when angular component is used, warning in console is:

    Uncaught ReferenceError: testmodule is not defined

    I tried another alternative, like importing js file inside .ts file as:

    1. import * as mymodule '../../testfile.js'
    2. "allowJs": true but this is also not identifying testmodule or testfile.

    What wrong am I doing here?

  • shrekDeep
    shrekDeep over 5 years
    Yes, it was typo.
  • shrekDeep
    shrekDeep over 5 years
    I tried both export default and export { }, but same issue.
  • You Nguyen
    You Nguyen over 5 years
    @sdeep I made a demo, don't know if it is what you need
  • shrekDeep
    shrekDeep over 5 years
    Great!! it worked. But didn't get why setting the function into prototype worked.
  • You Nguyen
    You Nguyen over 5 years
    @sdeep There you go Object.prototype.constructor, I follow this instruction