Using Hibernate query : colon gets treated as parameter / escaping colon


Solution 1

Since you're on Postgres, I would change the date() completely:

return sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().
        createQuery("FROM Weather WHERE city_id = :id AND date " +
                "BETWEEN current_date AND (current_date + (integer :days - 1))").
                setInteger("id", city_id).setString("days", days).list();


Solution 2

I just had this problem, had to use casts, so I tried some stuff to make it work. Turns out you escape : in hibernate with \

However, in java, to print \ to begin with, you have to escape it with \.
So, if you want to put a : in your SQL hibernate query, you have to write it like: \\:

And if you wanted to cast in PostgreSQL, such as in my case, you would have to, for example: field\\:\\:int if you wanted to cast some field as an integer.

Solution 3

Take a look at

Try using cast. To me it worked like a charm.


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Doing C#, Java 50-50. SOreadytohelp

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Jaanus
    Jaanus almost 2 years
    return sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().
                createQuery("FROM Weather WHERE city_id = :id AND date " +
                        "BETWEEN now()::date AND now()::date + (:days - 1)").
                        setInteger("id", city_id).setString("days", days).list();

    getting error:

    org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxException: unexpected token: :

    How can I use this syntax in HQL?

    Basically the problem is that I want to use colon(:) in my query, but when hibernate sees colon, it thinks that it is a paramter(:parameterName is syntax for parameters in HQL), as you can see from my 2 uses(:id and :days).

    But when I am using now()::date statement, it is specific postgreSQL syntax, hibernate ruins everything.

    • stratwine
      stratwine over 12 years
      what are you trying to achieve ? cast ?
    • Jaanus
      Jaanus over 12 years
      No .. just wanna use my SQL query, but Hibernate marks it as invalid.
    • NimChimpsky
      NimChimpsky over 12 years
    • James DW
      James DW over 12 years
      Sorry, but you can't use SQL in place of HQL. You have supplied an SQL query. See… and try and write your query using valid HQL. Or use a native query.
    • Jaanus
      Jaanus over 12 years
      @James : Isn't createSQLQuery used for native queries? I tried that but now getting a little different error : Not all named parameters have been set: [:date]
  • Jaanus
    Jaanus over 12 years
    Nope...this is actually the problem. I am just trying to use colons in my query, but hibernate thinks that they are parameters.
  • atrain
    atrain over 12 years
    Maybe try using CAST instead of ::. See…
  • beerbajay
    beerbajay over 9 years
    This did not work for me with hibernate 3.6.10. I ended up using cast(field as integer) instead.
  • Mickaël Gauvin
    Mickaël Gauvin over 8 years
    It worked for me on hibernate 4.3.11.Final sb.append(" NULL\\:\\:DATE AS date, ");
  • zpontikas
    zpontikas over 6 years
    Looks ok to me but please add some comments as to what was wrong :)
  • carlos.romel
    carlos.romel over 6 years
    SQL ANSI don't describe casts with double collons. Tô solve this, use cast function, instead.
  • catch22
    catch22 over 5 years
    Worked for me too with version: '5.0.12.Final'