Using javascript with the twitter API


There are a few Base64 Encoding tools out there. You can use one of them. You can add a header with the encoded username and password based on the Basic Auth specs

Here is a post that does exactly what you want. The base64 is encoded using this library from

  'url': '',
  'otherSettings': 'othervalues',
  'beforeSend': function(xhr) {
    xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic  " + 
                          encodeBase64(username + ":" + password));
  sucess: function(result) {
Jordan B
Author by

Jordan B

I'm Steve Gattuso. I live in Brooklyn, NY and make a living by manipulating bits and pixels on computers of different shapes and sizes. In my free time I enjoy traveling, playing with technology, and exploring that whole "being a human" thing. I'm also a consultant specializing in web development (generally with Rails and React/Redux), and mobile development with React Native. If you have a project that could use some expertise please don't hesitate to get in touch!

Updated on June 07, 2022


  • Jordan B
    Jordan B about 2 years

    I'm interested in making a twitter client using Adobe Air, but I'm kinda stuck right now, as I can't figure out a better way to connect to the twitter REST API since it needs authentication.

    Currently, the client sends a request to my server (a php script using curl) with the twitter username/password (unencrypted) in GET variables. The server then makes a request to twitter using those credentials and outputs the buffer, which gets sent back to the client, which then processes/displays it.

    This obviously is a horrendous security hole, so does anyone know of a better (more secure) way of doing it?

    FYI: I'm using jQuery.

  • user3788101
    user3788101 over 15 years
    true, but last I checked. twitter only supports basic.
  • DEfusion
    DEfusion over 13 years
    I still get a login prompt when using this technique in FF 3.6.11 - has something changed?
  • DEfusion
    DEfusion over 13 years
    I've found this question (…) that seems to suggest you can't avoid the browsers default login prompt if the details are incorrect.
  • Josh
    Josh about 13 years
    Should be xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + encodeBase64(username + ":" + password)
  • Anikeev Gennadiy
    Anikeev Gennadiy about 13 years
    How do you use the encodeBase64 library? There doesn't seem to be a script to download?
  • KingRider
    KingRider over 8 years
    function encodeBase64 not defined in jquery, try use BTOA(username + ":" + password)