Using python 'requests' to send JSON boolean


Solution 1

You need to json encode it to get it to a string.

import json 
payload = json.dumps({"on":True})

Solution 2

should be {'on': True}, capital T

Solution 3

Starting from requests 2.4.2, instead of passing in the payload with the data parameter, you can use the json parameter like this:

payload = {'on': True}
requests.put(url, json=payload)

And the request will be formatted correctly as a json payload (i.e. {'on': true}).


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Erik Pragt
Author by

Erik Pragt

Updated on July 01, 2021


  • Erik Pragt
    Erik Pragt almost 3 years

    I've got a really simple question, but I can't figure it out how to do it. The problem I have is that I want to send the following payload using Python and Requests:

    { 'on': true }

    Doing it like this:

    payload = { 'on':true }
    r = requests.put("", data = payload)

    Doesn't work, because I get the following error:

    NameError: name 'true' is not defined

    Sending the true as 'true' is not accepted by my server, so that's not an option. Anyone a suggestion? Thanks!

    • GP89
      GP89 almost 11 years
      True on python is spelt with a capital 'T' :)
    • lunaryorn
      lunaryorn almost 11 years
      Uhm, it's True in Python...
    • Erik Pragt
      Erik Pragt almost 11 years
      I know that it's True. But when I put 'True' there, the payload will be "{'on': True}". I want it to be "{'on': true}"
    • GP89
      GP89 about 6 years
      @OmPrakash GET data has to be a string yes, it's just part of the URL. if you are using json you can just use json.loads(data) to convert it back on the server, or whichever appropriate deserialisation.
  • Erik Pragt
    Erik Pragt almost 11 years
    That doesn't work. I want the payload to be {'on':true}. This will turn the payload into {'on':True}, which unfortunately doesn't work.
  • Conan Li
    Conan Li almost 11 years
    that is because you need to dump the dictionary using json. For example, when you have payload={"on": True}, do json.dumps(payload)
    RICHA AGGARWAL almost 8 years
    Passing a proper Boolean object helped us ie True / False
  • Justin Farrugia
    Justin Farrugia about 5 years
    doesn't this still give out "on" and "True" ?
