Using sprintf with std::string in C++


Solution 1

Your construct -- writing into the buffer received from c_str() -- is undefined behaviour, even if you checked the string's capacity beforehand. (The return value is a pointer to const char, and the function itself marked const, for a reason.)

Don't mix C and C++, especially not for writing into internal object representation. (That is breaking very basic OOP.) Use C++, for type safety and not running into conversion specifier / parameter mismatches, if for nothing else.

std::ostringstream s;
  << " Version=" << FORMAT_VERSION
  // ...and so on...
std::string output = s.str();


std::string output = "Type=" + std::to_string( INDEX_RECORD_TYPE_SERIALIZATION_HEADER )
                   + " Version=" + std::to_string( FORMAT_VERSION )
                   // ...and so on...

Solution 2

The C++ patterns shown in other answers are nicer, but for completeness, here is a correct way with sprintf:

auto format = "your %x format %d string %s";
auto size = std::snprintf(nullptr, 0, format /* Arguments go here*/);
std::string output(size + 1, '\0');
std::sprintf(&output[0], format, /* Arguments go here*/);

Pay attention to

  • You must resize your string. reserve does not change the size of the buffer. In my example, I construct correctly sized string directly.
  • c_str() returns a const char*. You may not pass it to sprintf.
  • std::string buffer was not guaranteed to be contiguous prior to C++11 and this relies on that guarantee. If you need to support exotic pre-C++11 conforming platforms that use rope implementation for std::string, then you're probably better off sprinting into std::vector<char> first and then copying the vector to the string.
  • This only works if the arguments are not modified between the size calculation and formatting; use either local copies of variables or thread synchronisation primitives for multi-threaded code.

Solution 3

We can mix code from here and here and result will be like that:

template <typename ...Args>
std::string stringWithFormat(const std::string& format, Args && ...args)
    auto size = std::snprintf(nullptr, 0, format.c_str(), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
    std::string output(size + 1, '\0');
    std::sprintf(&output[0], format.c_str(), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
    return output;

Solution 4

A better way is to use the {fmt} library. Ex:

std::string message = fmt::sprintf("The answer is %d", 42);

It exposes also a nicer interface than iostreams and printf. Ex:

std::string message = fmt::format("The answer is {}", 42);`


Solution 5

Your code is wrong. reserve allocates memory for the string, but does not change its size. Writing into the buffer returned by c_str does not change its size either. So the string still believes its size is 0, and you've just written something into the unused space in the string's buffer. (Probably. Technically, the code has Undefined Behaviour, because writing into c_str is undefined, so anything could happen).

What you really want to do is forget sprintf and similar C-style functions, and use the C++ way of string formatting—string streams:

std::ostringstream ss;
   << " Version=" << FORAMT_VERSION
   << /* ... the rest ... */;
return ss.str();
Dan The Man
Author by

Dan The Man

Updated on July 17, 2022


  • Dan The Man
    Dan The Man almost 2 years

    I am using sprintf function in C++ 11, in the following way:

    std::string toString()
        std::string output;
        uint32_t strSize=512;
            int ret = sprintf(output.c_str(), "Type=%u Version=%u ContentType=%u contentFormatVersion=%u magic=%04x Seg=%u",
            strSize *= 2;
        } while (ret < 0);
        return output;

    Is there a better way to do this, than to check every time if the reserved space was enough? For future possibility of adding more things.

    • Karsten Koop
      Karsten Koop about 8 years
      Are you using snprintf? Because sprintf, as shown in your code, has no way to determine the buffer size. snprintf would also return the required buffer size, so you could just use the returned value +1 as new strSize.
    • M.M
      M.M about 8 years
      This code is very wrong. reserve does not change the size of the string, and sprintf does not return negative just because you wrote out of bounds . You need to allocate the space you need before writing out of bounds.
    • Thomas Perl
      Thomas Perl almost 8 years
  • DevSolar
    DevSolar about 8 years
    Completely missing the point that you cannot write to the buffer returned by c_str(), and needlessly complicated even then since there is snprintf() / snprintf_s.
  • Dan The Man
    Dan The Man about 8 years
    how can i simulate the string formatting in ostringstream, like magic=%04x and so on?
  • DevSolar
    DevSolar about 8 years
    @danieltheman: setw, setfill.
  • M.M
    M.M about 8 years
    snprintf is better than the null device hack. But you have to use that hack for swprintf.
  • DevSolar
    DevSolar about 8 years
    Interesting; I am not quite sure if the construct (writing to &output[0]) is adhering to the letter of the standard, though. This will probably work for next to all implementations of std::string, but as for well-definedness, I have doubts.
  • eerorika
    eerorika about 8 years
    @DevSolar If I remember correctly, contiguousness of std::string buffer is guaranteed since c++11. Prior to that, it was not guaranteed. As far as I know, there are no other reasons for this to not work.
  • CiaPan
    CiaPan about 8 years
    Your comment 'The return value is a pointer to const char, and the function itself marked const, for a reason' implies that the code presented should not even compile due to const qualifier mismatch at sprintf(output.c_str(), ... expression. So it's false OP is using sprintf the way he described, because a presented excerpt is not a runnable code...
  • Dan The Man
    Dan The Man about 8 years
    @user2079303 string constructor that gets a number in it? i don`t think there is such thing in c++, can you please elaborate? i am talking about this: std::string output(size + 1);
  • eerorika
    eerorika about 8 years
    @danieltheman sorry, I meant to use the constructor that takes a size, and a char. I forgot that the second argument has no default value. The code is now fixed.
  • eerorika
    eerorika about 8 years
    @CiaPan it doesn't technically imply that the code should not even compile. If we assume the knowledge that implicit conversion from const to non-const is ill-formed, then it implies that a compiler is not required to compile the code, but the compiler can support the conversion as a non-standard language extension. The compiler is simply required to give the user a diagnostic message, if the program is ill-formed according to the standard. If it does compile, then the write through the const pointer is UB.
  • CiaPan
    CiaPan about 8 years
    @user2079303 Got it. Thank you for the explanation, I thought compilers are not allowed to accept such code.
  • DevSolar
    DevSolar about 8 years
    @CiaPan: Quite generally speaking, a compiler's warnings and a language's rules are only losely coupled. This is doubly true for C/C++, which made it a credo that "the developer knows what he's doing".
  • Thomas Perl
    Thomas Perl almost 8 years
    Wouldn't you want to use std::snprintf(&output[0], size, format, /* args go here */); instead of the last line to be safer? Imagine that another thread modifies one of the format string args (say, an integer goes from 9 to 10, thereby taking up one more character) between the auto size = ... assignment and the std::sprintf() call at the end.
  • eerorika
    eerorika almost 8 years
    @ThomasPerl The size calculation, buffer allocation, and the output operation really only make sense in a non-data-race context. That's a good point. The size accepting version of sprintf would indeed avoid UB in a data race, but you would still have the possibility of arbitrarily cut-off output. You really should use a critical section to avoid a race here - and if you do, then the non-size and size using versions are equally safe. Or alternatively, simply use local copies of the non-const arguments so that they cannot be modified by other threads.
  • jpa
    jpa over 7 years
    Many code analysis tools will warn about sprintf(), so makes sense to always use snprintf().
  • hfrmobile
    hfrmobile about 7 years
    3rd party lib...?
  • Buster
    Buster over 4 years
    It's good. The string should be resized again at the end of the code snippet to snip off the terminating null.
  • LoPiTaL
    LoPiTaL over 2 years
    Why not std::string output(size, '\0');, without the +1? That constructor (4) copies N times the character AND adds a terminating \0, effectively having size+1 bytes. If you pass in size+1, it ends up having size+2 bytes, with the last "real" char set to \0, which will cause problems when concatenating, size computing and so