vba hyperlinks and shape creation


Something like this will act on the current slide. I tested for a slide 2 hyperlink to esnure that the code worked (and didn't use 1 as default)

Sub CreateShape()
    Dim oShp As Shape
    Dim oSld As Slide
    Set oSld = ActivePresentation.Slides(ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.SlideIndex)
    Set oShp = oSld.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, 485, 15, 104, 60)
    With oShp.ActionSettings(ppMouseClick)
        .Action = ppActionHyperlink
        '.Hyperlink.Address = SlideNumber
        .Hyperlink.SubAddress = 2
    End With
End Sub
Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • uncertaintea
    uncertaintea almost 2 years

    I have a subroutine that will create a shape, but I have two problems with the code:

    • I must specify on which slide this shape will be created. This is a problem if I want to create the same shape on multiple slides simultaneously. How do I achieve that? what do I replace activepresentation.slides(x) with?
    • I want the shape to have a hyperlink to a specific slide. What is wrong with my code to achieve that? It gives me an error when I try to assign an action to the shape I have created.

    Sub createshape()
        Dim oshp As Shape
        Dim osld As Slide
        'old code
        Set osld = ActivePresentation.Slides(1)
        Set oshp = osld.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, 485, 15, 104, 60)
         oshp.ActionSettings (ppMouseClick)
             .Action = ppActionHyperlink
             .Hyperlink.Address = SlideNumber
             .Hyperlink.SubAddress = 1 'this should take the hyperlink to slide 1 i hope.
    End Sub

    I want to automate this function because I will be doing this same thing for many many slides multiple times.

  • uncertaintea
    uncertaintea over 12 years
    beautiful. Thank you. the only problem i am having is that it says SlideNumber is not a defined variable.
  • brettdj
    brettdj over 12 years
    @uncertaintea I left that in from your prior code - I suggest deleting it as ths SubAddress propery sets the Place in ThisDocument which is what you want. Address looks like it sets Existing File or Web Page
  • Iban Arriola
    Iban Arriola almost 11 years
    @brettdj I have a question in this matter... if now I put a new slide before slide 2 subAddress won't change. How can I make it to update add reference the correct slide? Thanks