Vertically centering Bootstrap modal window


Solution 1

This does the job :

It uses a helper-div and some custom css. No javascript or jQuery required.

HTML (based on Bootstrap's demo-code)

<button class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal">Launch demo modal</button>

<!-- Modal -->
<div class="modal fade" id="myModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
    <div class="vertical-alignment-helper">
        <div class="modal-dialog vertical-align-center">
            <div class="modal-content">
                <div class="modal-header">
                    <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span><span class="sr-only">Close</span>

                     <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">Modal title</h4>

                <div class="modal-body">...</div>
                <div class="modal-footer">
                    <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>
                    <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Save changes</button>


.vertical-alignment-helper {
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;
    pointer-events:none; /* This makes sure that we can still click outside of the modal to close it */
.vertical-align-center {
    /* To center vertically */
    display: table-cell;
    vertical-align: middle;
.modal-content {
    /* Bootstrap sets the size of the modal in the modal-dialog class, we need to inherit it */
    max-width:inherit; /* For Bootstrap 4 - to avoid the modal window stretching full width */
    /* To center horizontally */
    margin: 0 auto;
    pointer-events: all;

Solution 2

Because gpcola's answer didn't work for me, I edited a bit so its works now. I used "margin-top" instead of transform. Also, i use the "show" instead of "shown" event because after it gave me a very bad jump of positioning (visible when you have bootstrap animations on). Be sure to set the display to "block" before positioning, otherwise $dialog.height() will be 0 and the modal will not be centered completely.

(function ($) {
    "use strict";
    function centerModal() {
        $(this).css('display', 'block');
        var $dialog  = $(this).find(".modal-dialog"),
        offset       = ($(window).height() - $dialog.height()) / 2,
        bottomMargin = parseInt($dialog.css('marginBottom'), 10);

        // Make sure you don't hide the top part of the modal w/ a negative margin if it's longer than the screen height, and keep the margin equal to the bottom margin of the modal
        if(offset < bottomMargin) offset = bottomMargin;
        $dialog.css("margin-top", offset);

    $(document).on('', '.modal', centerModal);
    $(window).on("resize", function () {

Solution 3

This is what I did for my app. If you take a look at the following classes in the bootstrap.css file .modal-dialog has a default padding of 10px and @media screen and (min-width: 768px) .modal-dialog has a top padding set to 30px. So in my custom css file I set my top padding to be 15% for all screens without specifying a media screen width. Hope this helps.

.modal-dialog {
  padding-top: 15%;

Solution 4

Best way I found for all HTML5 browsers:

body.modal-open .modal {
    display: flex !important;
    height: 100%;

body.modal-open .modal .modal-dialog {
    margin: auto;

Solution 5

<!-- Modal -->
<div class="modal fade" id="myModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
    <div class="table">
        <div class="table-cell">
            <div class="modal-dialog">
                <div class="modal-content">
                    <div class="modal-header">
                        <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span><span class="sr-only">Close</span></button>
                        <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">Modal title</h4>
                    <div class="modal-body">
                    <div class="modal-footer">
                        <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>
                        <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Save changes</button>

// Styles

.table {
 display: table;
.table-cell {
display: table-cell;
vertical-align: middle;

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Author by


Updated on July 11, 2022


  • user2613813
    user2613813 almost 2 years

    I would like to center my modal on the viewport (middle) I tried to add some css properties

     .modal { position: fixed; top:50%; left:50%; }   

    I'm using this example

    I tried

            'margin-top': function () {
                return -($(this).height() / 2);
            'margin-left': function () {
                return -($(this).width() / 2);
    • haim770
      haim770 almost 11 years
      Try to override as well
    • John Magnolia
      John Magnolia over 9 years
    • jowan sebastian
      jowan sebastian over 9 years
      Try this… I use : { top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); }
    • tao
      tao over 7 years
      Added flexbox solution (the translateY(-50%) one makes top of modal inaccessible when modal contents are taller than device height).
    • jcaruso
      jcaruso almost 6 years
      As of bootstrap 4 modal-dialog-centered was added that this is no longer necessary. Please review that answer below.
  • gkalpak
    gkalpak over 10 years
    How exactly does it center the dialog vertically ?
  • ChrisR
    ChrisR over 10 years
    Is this even valid CSS?
  • Michael Butler
    Michael Butler over 10 years
    Could you clarify what the function 'e' is in your answer?
  • Joshua
    Joshua over 10 years
    Works great in most places, but does not work in wrapped html5 applications lower than Android 4.4.
  • Denis Chmel
    Denis Chmel over 10 years
    This one is perfect! Just instead of $(document).height() its correct to use $(window).height() in line 4. Plus I would change the last line to: $('.modal:visible').each(centerModal);
  • mina morsali
    mina morsali about 10 years
    this only work for small alret boxes , and not work for larg boxes
  • mina morsali
    mina morsali about 10 years
    It work for me perfectly, thank you. when we use this code, we also must set padding top and bottom of modal-dialog to 0px ,to perfect centering.
  • Dorian
    Dorian about 10 years
    My modal was down the page with this
  • jetlej
    jetlej about 10 years
    This breaks if the modal is taller than the height of the window. So I added the following line right before setting the margin-top of the dialog: if(offset < 0) offset = 0; I'm pasting the entire block into an answer case that's not clear!
  • jetlej
    jetlej about 10 years
    I added some further changes to keep the top margin equal to the bottom margin of the modal, in the answer below
  • Jānis Gruzis
    Jānis Gruzis almost 10 years
    Perfect, was missing $(this).css('display', 'block'); all the time and thought why height was 0.
  • pcatre
    pcatre over 9 years
    With this solution, because of the height: 100%; and width: 100%; you can't close the modals by clicking out of the modals. Can you think of a fix for this @Rens de Nobel?
  • pcatre
    pcatre over 9 years
    Hey @jetlej why don't you just edit Arany's answer to include this? You solve a big bug on his code.
  • pcatre
    pcatre over 9 years
    Ok this solution appears to work great (except that it stops me from closing the modals by clicking out of them). But somehow it makes some of my e2e tests with protractor fail (and I can't find the reason why, it does not feel like it is a bug on this). Anyway I'm going back to the javascript answer so I don't lose more time on this. But like I said, this appears to work fine, just warning people doing e2e tests with protractor to watch out.
  • RNobel
    RNobel over 9 years
    @pcatre, thanks for the tip ! I've updated the code with a fix for this. Setting pointer-events:none; on the alignment-classes does the trick. Tested in IE11, Latest Chrome and Firefox and iOS Safari.
  • jetlej
    jetlej over 9 years
    @pcatre - I didn't know I could submit edits! Thanks for pointing that out
  • Smith
    Smith over 9 years
    it does not allow me to click on tab i put inside the modal. but when i remove css, it then allows me.
  • jowan sebastian
    jowan sebastian over 9 years
    YUP! I use : { top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); }
  • Csaba Toth
    Csaba Toth over 9 years
    This is the universal answer. I don't know why noone voted for it.
  • Csaba Toth
    Csaba Toth over 9 years
    I went through at least 4 SO entries each with a dozen of proposals. BTW, at the age of HTML5 this should be built in functionality to some framework at least. Instead of juggling.
  • Csaba Toth
    Csaba Toth over 9 years
    Also note: if you say width:100% for the table style, you'll get horizontal centering (in case if the modal is not overflow hidden).
  • Rafael Ramos
    Rafael Ramos over 9 years
    Simple solution! Worked for me, tks! :D
  • Haimei
    Haimei over 9 years
    Just modify 50% to 15% and then the dialog will be in the center of the window. .modal-vertical-centered { transform: translate(0, 15%) !important; -ms-transform: translate(0, 15%) !important; /* IE 9 / -webkit-transform: translate(0, 15%) !important; / Safari and Chrome */ }
  • Nick Retallack
    Nick Retallack over 9 years
    Now you can't interact with anything inside the modal. Clicking on it anywhere dismisses it.
  • RNobel
    RNobel over 9 years
    It now works due to the pointer-events: all; in the modal-content class. Thanks for updating @Nick Retallack
  • Roger Far
    Roger Far over 9 years
    Doesn't work at all, if the size of the dialog changes the dialog will just move lower!
  • Dirbaio
    Dirbaio about 9 years
    Won't work well if the dialog changes height once shown, due to page resizing or stuff inside it expands/collapses.
  • Scott Simpson
    Scott Simpson about 9 years
    This prevents me from closing the modal when clicking on the background about the modal.
  • snovity
    snovity about 9 years
    Great solution, but can be improved. First, instead of using pointer-events that are not supported in older browsers I just added data-dismiss="modal" to .vertical-alignment-helper div (it makes BS to close dialog when it is clicked). Second, for .modal-content media query should be used and horizontal margin should be set to 10px on mobile screens, and auto on big screens.
  • RNobel
    RNobel about 9 years
    Hi snovity, sounds good. Can you provide us with a working example (e.g. on jsfiddle)?
  • snovity
    snovity about 9 years
    Rens de Nobel, after some testing, idea with data-dismiss="modal" turned out to be not that good :) Problem is that when you click on a dialog itself, it also closes because of event propagation to .vertical-alignment-helper. For it to work js is needed to stop propagation from dialog to its parent elements. So I went back to your solution (the only difference is that .vertical-align-center need no prevent-events, it inherits it from .vertical-alignment-helper) Second part with media queries and margins works as expected.
  • Michael G
    Michael G about 9 years
    Not sure if this has been updated since the comments of users saying it doesn't work, on click of inside modal elements, but this is 100% working for me as of now, using the example in the Fiddle above. Thanks so much for your help and all the comments above.
  • VictorB
    VictorB almost 9 years
    The inner function worked perfectly when I tried, but your IIFE (immediately invoked function expression) has a typo. The (jQuery) should be inside the enclosing parens, directly after the closing function brace }
  • Dunc
    Dunc almost 9 years
    You could just apply to small modals: .modal-dialog.modal-sm { padding-top:15%; }
  • Christophe
    Christophe almost 9 years
    Best answer by far. This creates a scrollbar but you can disable it by making .modal-open .modal { overflow-y: hidden; }
  • Nicolas Galler
    Nicolas Galler almost 9 years
    I liked this solution, very clean. Not sure about desktop or older versions of Safari but it seems to be fine on iOS 8.
  • Jyotirmoy Pan
    Jyotirmoy Pan over 8 years
    The disadvantage of this solution is that if the modals are big and occupy entire screen height specially in mobile scrolling does not work. Any solution for that.
  • Manjunath Reddy
    Manjunath Reddy about 8 years
    Yes I agree with @NicolasGaller. It works well for me too. I tested in Chrome and Firefox. It works well.
  • Craig Harshbarger
    Craig Harshbarger about 8 years
    This is a great css only progressive enhancement. No js required and any browser that doesn't support flexbox will get the default bootstrap modal placement.
  • Robert McKee
    Robert McKee about 8 years
    Close, but it breaks being able to close modals when there is more than one on the page. See my answer below to fix.
  • giovannipds
    giovannipds almost 8 years
    This flexbox version doesn't work as expected. Testing on the latest Chrome (52.0.x), the .modal-dialog is centered properly but its content interaction seems frozen on the old place (weirdly). However, you can try to use this technique right on .modal-dialog (not on .modal), and with some other properties, it does seem to work. =)
  • bernie
    bernie almost 8 years
    Does not work on IE 11. body.modal-open .modal .modal-dialog needs to have an explicit height for vertical alignment to work properly. Adding height: 100px works but limits the usefulness of this solution.
  • bernie
    bernie almost 8 years
    Update: Adding align-items: center; to body.modal-open .modal seems to work.
  • AlexioVay
    AlexioVay over 7 years
    Great, thank you. It's actually the only thing that worked 2016.
  • RNobel
    RNobel over 7 years
    Mobile scrolling works fine on the devices I have here...@JyotirmoyPan, what device are you using?
  • user2061057
    user2061057 over 7 years
    This works otherwise well, but the closing animation doesn't look good.
  • Jeff Bluemel
    Jeff Bluemel about 7 years
    works perfectly, thank you. I eliminated a div put vertical-alignment-helper in <div class="modal fade vertical-alignment-helper" role=dialog>.
  • RNobel
    RNobel about 7 years
    yw :) For the sake of readability, I like to keep those divs separate
  • ESR
    ESR almost 7 years
    This is the true "how to center something" with CSS without using Flex. The fact that the context is Bootstrap or a modal should be irrelevant. All other answers are way too overkill.
  • Radmation
    Radmation over 6 years
    Best solution IMO.
  • tao
    tao about 6 years
    With this method, if the modal is taller than device screen height, the top of the modal becomes inaccessible.
  • Greg Blass
    Greg Blass about 6 years
    Should be able to accomplish an animation with CSS3 transitions?
  • jcaruso
    jcaruso almost 6 years
    As of bootstrap 4 modal-dialog-centered was added that this is no longer necessary. Please review that answer below.
  • broc.seib
    broc.seib about 5 years
    This is the best answer for bootstrap 4.
  • Vahid
    Vahid over 4 years
    by adding both modal-dialog and modal-dialog-centered has better result
  • jcaruso
    jcaruso over 4 years
    @v.d thats understood given the documentation say "Add .modal-dialog-centered to .modal-dialog to vertically center the modal." I'll update my answer to reflect that as well for those who didn't catch that.
  • Hassan Nomani
    Hassan Nomani almost 4 years
    4 years have passed. Still useful. Thanks mate!
  • Tim Bogdanov
    Tim Bogdanov about 3 years
    This is probably the best solution for Bootstrap 3 users