Visual Studio Black Background?


Solution 1

It is Rob Conery's TextMate theme that you want.

After Download in Studio ... Tools > Import & export settings and follow the wizard.

Share and enjoy!

Edit: Link updated

Solution 2

For VS2012 : if you want to simply change the default black and white background then ; Go to Tools ->Options -> Environment -> General. Right side pan, you you will see Color theme drop down;select Dark or light in order to get basic black and white background.

if you want to change default color,Font or Font size then you select ; Tools ->Options -> Environment -> Fonts and Colors

Solution 3

Now, Visual Studio 2012 supports black theme. To change to black theme :

Tools -> Options -> Visual Experience -> Color theme

Solution 4

Check out shanselmans blog article about this, he lists quite a few of them, so pick one you like. Personally, I've got the Monaco font installed, and I love it!

Solution 5

In Visual Studio 2017 you can do the following:

Tools -> Options.. -> Environment -> General -> Color theme -> Dark -> OK


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Updated on September 20, 2020


  • YodasMyDad
    YodasMyDad almost 4 years

    I watch a lot of tutorials on the web, expesially ASP.NET tutorials - And constantly notice that everyone seems to have VS set with a black background and yellow/white text?

    Why is this? and how can I set up my version to look like it?


  • YodasMyDad
    YodasMyDad almost 15 years
    Thanks for the comment - I'm giving the below a run now :)
  • void.pointer
    void.pointer about 12 years
    The "Rob Conery's TextMate" link is broken.
  • chiwal
    chiwal over 6 years
    It's actually here (vs 2017): Tools -> Options -> Environment -> General -> Color Theme -> Dark
  • Jay Ponkia
    Jay Ponkia almost 6 years
    Hey @DanielElliott where is alternate link?
