VLC playing mkv file without sound


Solution 1

This means that VLC doesn't recognize the format of one of the data streams in your MKV file. It can't play this file and considers it unfixable.

Without more details, we can't tell you why VLC thinks the file is broken. You can try:

  • playing it in another media player;
  • updating to a later (or earlier) version of VLC and trying again;
  • re-encoding the file (if you encoded the MKV yourself), possibly using different settings or a different encoder; or
  • downloading the file again (if you downloaded it from the Internet).

You might look into MKVtoolnix (for Linux, OSX, Cygwin and Windows) or MKVtools (for OSX). MKVtoolnix is a set of tools for creating, altering, and inspecting MKV files; your MKV may be reparable using them. Start with the following command, and inspect the output for errors; it may give you more information about what's wrong with the file:

mkvinfo filename.mkv

Solution 2

Here are some ways to help you solve no-sound problem with VLC:

  1. Unmute Your VLC Player

    1. Click the speaker icon (it's at the bottom of your task bar near your clock);
    2. Click the "mixer." If your VLC player is running, it will show up in the mixer like below;
    3. Unmute VLC and your sound works again.
  2. Adjust Audio Settings

    If it doesn't work after you unmute VLC, try adjusting audio settings of this player.

    Here is how: go to Tools > Preferences > Audio and make sure Enable audio is ticked. Then go to Output and try a different default.

  3. Convert Video Format

    If it still doesn’t work after trying the solutions above, you may convert the original video to another format, because VLC may have troubles playing some MKV or MP4 media file. To convert MKV files, you can use Handbrake.

  4. Switch to Another Media Player


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Elitists are oppressive, anti-intellectual, ultra-conservative, and cancerous to the society, environment, and humanity. Please help make Stack Exchange a better place. Expose elite supremacy, elitist brutality, and moderation injustice to https://stackoverflow.com/contact (complicit community managers), in comments, to meta, outside Stack Exchange, and by legal actions. Push back and don't let them normalize their behaviors. Changes always happen from the bottom up. Thank you very much! Just a curious self learner. Almost always upvote replies. Thanks for enlightenment! Meanwhile, Corruption and abuses have been rampantly coming from elitists. Supportive comments have been removed and attacks are kept to control the direction of discourse. Outright vicious comments have been removed only to conceal atrocities. Systematic discrimination has been made into policies. Countless users have been harassed, persecuted, and suffocated. Q&A sites are for everyone to learn and grow, not for elitists to indulge abusive oppression, and cover up for each other. https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/posts/419086/revisions https://math.meta.stackexchange.com/q/32539/ (https://i.stack.imgur.com/4knYh.png) and https://math.meta.stackexchange.com/q/32548/ (https://i.stack.imgur.com/9gaZ2.png) https://meta.stackexchange.com/posts/353417/timeline (The moderators defended continuous harassment comments showing no reading and understanding of my post) https://cs.stackexchange.com/posts/125651/timeline (a PLT academic had trouble with the books I am reading and disparaged my self learning posts, and a moderator with long abusive history added more insults.) https://stackoverflow.com/posts/61679659/revisions (homework libels) Much more that have happened.

Updated on September 17, 2022


  • baz
    baz almost 2 years

    When I play mkv file in VLC, it produces this error

    No suitable decoder module:

    VLC does not support the audio or video format "undf". Unfortunately there is no way for you to fix this.

    What does it mean and how to fix it?

    My OS is Windows 7.

    Thanks and regards!

  • Josh K
    Josh K about 14 years
    @quack: Congrats on the Diamond! :)
  • quack quixote
    quack quixote about 14 years
    @Tim: interesting! dunno why anyone would put RMVB into an MKV, but ok. seems that VLC is known to be so-so with Real codecs (videolan.org/vlc/features.html), and that may get better eventually, but probably not very soon.
  • quack quixote
    quack quixote about 14 years
    @Tim: the more interesting question is why VLC doesn't recognize it; this might be due to VLC's MKV decoder not expecting RMVB data, but i'd suspect the MKV isn't correctly formatted. this is only your fault if you created the MKV, but MKVtoolnix might be able to fix it so that VLC actually recognizes the file correctly (even if it doesn't play it well!)