VS Code does not recognize unit tests in Flutter


Solution 1

Make sure you name you test file ending with _test.dart and you will see the run | debug options

Solution 2

I have a Flutter project with two separate test files, both ending in "..._test.dart".

Using the following two test scenarios, one of the files passes, while the second doesn't load and that test fails.

Using launch.json configuration:

 "name": "Dart: Run all Tests",
 "request": "launch",
 "type": "dart",
 "program": "./test/"

Using the VS Code menu item Debug > Start Debugging (F5), which I suspicion just uses the above launch.json configuration, yields the same result.

However, using the VS Code menu item Debug > Start Without Debugging (Ctrl+F5), or "flutter test" from the command line, both tests pass.

I suspect this is an internal configuration issue with the VS Code Dart/Flutter extension, as opposed to a problem with Dart/Flutter code structure.

Solution 3

Are your tests/groups spread across multiple files? There are some limitations to the integration between the VS Code extension and the test package that you may be hitting.

There was a fix in v2.23 (released a few days before your question) that should have improved this a little (removing those Run/Debug links in some places they wont' work) but if you're already on that version then maybe it didn't cover your case.

If you can post a small repro on GitHub I'd definitely like to see if I can improve this. Thanks!

Author by


Updated on December 09, 2022


  • jarekbutek
    jarekbutek over 1 year

    Visual Studio Code does not recognize unit tests grouped in group(...). But it recognizes unit tests which are not grouped. I mean they are standalone test(...). I want to use group, because I need setUp().

    There is Run | Debug link above group. When I click Debug or Run the Debug console shows No tests match regular expression "^LocalRepository$".

    The tests are running correctly with flutter test command.

    Dart SDK: >=2.1.0 <3.0.0

    Flutter channel: master

    Edit: I found workaround - I just don't use group callback. But I can't run all tests by clicking Run above group.